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Forums - Gaming Discussion - What game are you obsessing over, right now?


When waiting on a game...

I get very excited, almost too excited. 17 50.00%
I never get too excited. 9 26.47%
I try not to entertain hy... 4 11.76%
I can wait a decade for a game if need be. 4 11.76%
Chevinator123 said:

Im playing on a Vanilla WoW private server. After the drama of blizz shutting down a very popular one i decided i wanted to try one out and yes its fucking amazing! so many memorys.

Blizz needs to bring out offical legacy servers like Jagex did with Runescape2007. There is a huge demand for it because cuurent wow FUCKING SUCKS ASS!

What they need to do is fix the live game. But they seem to be in the hand of the casuals and afraid of going back to that formula. That is what disappoints me the most about today's Blizzard. They are just too scared to try. 

This queue thing, this instant gratification thing, it needs to go. They need to turn around and say: no. No more blackmailing, we are gonna make a good game and we don't care if you threaten to leave. This is world of warcraft, not world of 15m loot. A window into warcraft and the feeling of living in that world. In trying to tear down quality of life barriers, blizz forgot the most important thing. What led them to make the game in the first place.

Around the Network

Currently playing Hyper Light Drifter! Can't wait till April 22, so I can't stop watching vids of Star Fox Zero!


I'm currently obsessing over trying to complete the Pokedex in Omega Ruby. I'm currently only 48 Pokemon away from completing it so I'm close now.

In terms of unreleased games, I would say Pokemon Sun/Moon if we knew anything about the game, but until we get any real info on the game, it would have to be Zelda U.

Wii U NNID:  CWegzz
3DS Friend Code:  4210-5277-5484
PSN:  Ronnoc4
Steam:  CWegz

At the moment it's Helldivers, but that's mainly because I'm one trophy away from the Platinum.

I just started Hyper Light Drifter. Beat the first boss on Saturday.

This game, man.

This game!!!

It's giving me feels I haven't felt since first playing the Ocarina of Time over a decade ago. I just started, and I'm already dreading its inevitable end.

Around the Network

I'm pretty obsessed with speedrunning Twilight Princesa HD. I love to practice the glitches and shortcuts. My first run was at 7 hours doing everything for the first time. Now that I've practiced I think I can get close to 5.

Dark Souls 2: Scholar of the First Sin.

I finally beat the main game a few days ago with the final 2 bosses, but even then i'm not close to being done as I have so many other areas and locations I haven't gone to yet.

I always get obsessed with doing all the quests and sidequests in large RPGs, up to the point of sometimes pausing them for months (Gothic 2 and now, again, Morrowind) or even years (Morrowind before reinstalling it on my current PC) for having played them too much. Alas I also tend to get obsessed with some crappy but designed to be addictive casual games, I forced myself to stop playing that crappy FarmVille on PC, but I'm still playing too much Zenonia 5 and GT Racing 2 on my tablet.

Stwike him, Centuwion. Stwike him vewy wuffly! (Pontius Pilate, "Life of Brian")
A fart without stink is like a sky without stars.
TGS, Third Grade Shooter: brand new genre invented by Kevin Butler exclusively for Natal WiiToo Kinect. PEW! PEW-PEW-PEW! 

Ratchet and Clank

My favorite game series ever which contains my two favorite games of all time (ACiT and UYA) is getting a new FULL release for the first time since 09. I seriously thought this franchise was going the way of the dodo after FFA and A4O. Into the Nexus kinda restored faith but felt like maybe a sendoff. When they announced a new full game AND a movie!? I went nuts and I still am

I am Iron Man

Freedom Planet and cant make my mind up on Star Fox Zero yet