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Forums - Sales Discussion - Amazon U.S. April bestsellers and general Amazon-based discussion

Roronaa_chan said:

does not compute

game is out, not a pre order

When you're number one,  rules don't apply ;)

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sabvre42 said:
AEGRO said:

Thats a great idea, if they make the box with a super cute design i bet all the kids will be pulling their parents arms to buy one of those for the holidays.

But throw in the R&C 4K Bluray with the new slim model with the 4k Drive.

PS4 Slim w/ 4K bluray drive
Ratchet and Clank Game
Ratchet and Clank 4K bluray
Tearaway Game
Little BIg Planet 3

Take off Tearaway & Little Big Planet.

Thats too much for 299$.

But yeah a bundle like that would move some Rachet & Clank, and PS4 slims.

6 Hours after last update:

#21 PS4 Black Ops 3 Bundle (down 1)
#48 PS4 Fool's Edition (same)
#71 XB1 White Console Bundle (down 2)
#88 XB1 Name Your Game Bundle (down 1)
#92 Vita (up 2)
#453 PS4 Uncharted 4 Bundle (up 78)

SOFTWARE (Pre-Orders Only)
#01 PS4 Ratchet And Clank (same)
#08 PS4 Uncharted 4 (down 1)
#18 WiiU Starfox Zero (same)
#28 PS4 Ratchet And Clank Digital (down 2)
#58 PS4 Uncharted 4 SE (new entry)
#72 PS4 No Man's Sky (up 3)
#77 PS4 Star Ocean (same)


The PS5 Exists. 

Ratchet still going. Hopefully it gets a boost in the next monthly upadte.

Do you guys think Uncharted will go on to become by best selling exclusive (release month sales) this gen?

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Ratchet has been at #1 for almost two days now . Fingers crossed it will do great on NPD as well.

CosmicSex said:
Do you guys think Uncharted will go on to become by best selling exclusive (release month sales) this gen?

Honestly? yes.

Even if its a tough month (doom, mirrors edge, overwatch,battleborn, ect ect).

I see Uncharted selling extremly well.

I think Mirrors edge,battleborn, Doom might not do as well as they could, because of the hype Uncharted & Overwatch have.

CosmicSex said:
Do you guys think Uncharted will go on to become by best selling exclusive (release month sales) this gen?

Depends on Sony's bes tselling franchise.  If Polyphony return to form, Gran Turismo will probably be their best selling exclusive. 

JRPGfan said:
CosmicSex said:
Do you guys think Uncharted will go on to become by best selling exclusive (release month sales) this gen?

Honestly? yes.

Even if its a tough month (doom, mirrors edge, overwatch,battleborn, ect ect).

I see Uncharted selling extremly well.

I think Mirrors edge,battleborn, Doom might not do as well as they could, because of the hype Uncharted & Overwatch have.

Yeah Overwatch completely walked all over Battleborn. Mirrors Edge is a hit or miss and Doom is the same although I will probably get that too.

Overwatch could outsell Uncharted but it still seems unlikely that anything will touch it that month.

mornelithe said:
CosmicSex said:
Do you guys think Uncharted will go on to become by best selling exclusive (release month sales) this gen?

Depends on Sony's bes tselling franchise.  If Polyphony return to form, Gran Turismo will probably be their best selling exclusive. 

Good point.  But until such a time I still predict that Uncharted, upon release, will have the biggest launch.