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Forums - Gaming Discussion - All Future Forza Games Are Coming to PC and Xbox, Microsoft Confirms

Mr Puggsly said:
AEGRO said:

Not console gamers, Xbox gamers. 

My math says +PC sales -Xbox sales

It goes to the same pocket, but im afraid about the future of the Xbox brand as a console. 

Your math doesent take into consideration most PC gamers arent console gamers. Show me a single console game that sold poorly because a PC version took all the sales. In fact, many best selling console games are on PC.

Putting games on PC is also a good way to appeal to gamers in regions that primarily game on PCs.

Lastly, this could also lead to more funding for Xbox and Windows 10 exclusives.


Dark Souls, sold more on PC, Alan Wake, sold more on PC, Left 4 Dead (i forgot if was 1, or 2), sold better on PC, The Last Tomb Raider, i think that sold better on PC.


A lot of games sell better on PC, if was Exclusive for the console as a First Party game is suposed to be, the PC, owners would purchase a Console, people purchase Consoles, because of Games, if is not avaliable on PC, they will purchase on Consoles, do you think that someone will stay without Play FFXV, only because is on Console, and not on PC ?.

The thing of Crossplay, and Crossbuy, isn't good for a PC Owner, only is good for who already purchased the Console and had a PC, this is just a way that Microsoft, found to Excuse for who purchased Xbox One, for the Exclusives, and had a PC, but as a Consumer's Perspective, there is no insentive to purchase a Xbox One, if you already have a  PC, while Nintendo, and Sony, have Exclusive games that are insentive to purchase their consoles, you cannot play Uncharted, Pokemon, Mario, God of War, other way than purchasing their consoles, this is a Insentive for PC owners.

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He didn't say PC versions never outsell the console versions. He said games in which the console version sold badly because the PC release ate up the sales. All those games you mentioned maybe sold more on PC but they sold just fine on console.

Mr Puggsly said:

Cool, more people get to play great games.
I did the math... PC gamers + console gamers = more gamers

It's a win for everyone yet you read Chartz and it's the end of the Xbox brand lol.

Also this is old news.

Swordmasterman said:
Mr Puggsly said:

Your math doesent take into consideration most PC gamers arent console gamers. Show me a single console game that sold poorly because a PC version took all the sales. In fact, many best selling console games are on PC.

Putting games on PC is also a good way to appeal to gamers in regions that primarily game on PCs.

Lastly, this could also lead to more funding for Xbox and Windows 10 exclusives.


Dark Souls, sold more on PC, Alan Wake, sold more on PC, Left 4 Dead (i forgot if was 1, or 2), sold better on PC, The Last Tomb Raider, i think that sold better on PC.


A lot of games sell better on PC, if was Exclusive for the console as a First Party game is suposed to be, the PC, owners would purchase a Console, people purchase Consoles, because of Games, if is not avaliable on PC, they will purchase on Consoles, do you think that someone will stay without Play FFXV, only because is on Console, and not on PC ?.

The thing of Crossplay, and Crossbuy, isn't good for a PC Owner, only is good for who already purchased the Console and had a PC, this is just a way that Microsoft, found to Excuse for who purchased Xbox One, for the Exclusives, and had a PC, but as a Consumer's Perspective, there is no insentive to purchase a Xbox One, if you already have a  PC, while Nintendo, and Sony, have Exclusive games that are insentive to purchase their consoles, you cannot play Uncharted, Pokemon, Mario, God of War, other way than purchasing their consoles, this is a Insentive for PC owners.

dark souls?  nooo are you sure? I just did a google search and couldnt find anything. Dark Souls is PlayStations baby.

Swordmasterman said:
AEGRO said:

Not console gamers, Xbox gamers. 

My math says +PC sales -Xbox sales

It goes to the same pocket, but im afraid about the future of the Xbox brand as a console. 

I Still think that their biggest mistake was Purchase Minecraft, for 2.5 Billions of US$, afters Years of Release, if Xbox, and Microsoft's Gaming Division, have the same Pocket, so this wasn't good for the Brand.

That wasn't a purchase made for Xbox. Also, its still a top selling game on 10 platforms I can think of.

Not sure they will make all the money back, but its still doing really well.

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Swordmasterman said:
Mr Puggsly said:

Your math doesent take into consideration most PC gamers arent console gamers. Show me a single console game that sold poorly because a PC version took all the sales. In fact, many best selling console games are on PC.

Putting games on PC is also a good way to appeal to gamers in regions that primarily game on PCs.

Lastly, this could also lead to more funding for Xbox and Windows 10 exclusives.

Dark Souls, sold more on PC, Alan Wake, sold more on PC, Left 4 Dead (i forgot if was 1, or 2), sold better on PC, The Last Tomb Raider, i think that sold better on PC.

That's not the argument. I said tell me a game that sold poor on consoles because a PC version exist.

If anything, you're supporting my argument. People passed on some of those game when they were console only (like Alan Wake and Dark Souls), but there was an audience wanting them on PC.


By the way...

This was 2011 by the way. So that probably means the 360 sold more units at full price. I'm sure more people have it on PC now.

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I have a gaming pc, I have a ps4 and a WiiU. I was planning on picking up an XBO at some point but that plan is no more. This will have an affect on sales and turn off potential customers but likely only about 0.5% of those will be in a simlair situation and come to a similair conclusion as me.

It's hardly a dent in the Xbox brand and sales and it won't be until PC gaming becomes more mainstream.

Barkley said:

I have a gaming pc, I have a ps4 and a WiiU. I was planning on picking up an XBO at some point but that plan is no more. This will have an affect on sales and turn off potential customers but likely only about 0.5% of those will be in a simlair situation and come to a similair conclusion as me.

It's hardly a dent in the Xbox brand and sales and it won't be until PC gaming becomes more mainstream.

Microsoft saved you some money. 

It'll be nice for some conclusive evidence but I feel pretty confident that most mainstream gamers only buy 1 console per generation unless an anomoly like the Wii arises. Also feel pretty confident that 90% of playstation and Xbox gamers do not use PC as a regular gaming platform for anything other then mobas/mmos. The biggest selling titles like StarWars/COD/Fifa  etc and their sales paint a pretty clear picture that many console gamers do not see PC gaming as an interchangable platform.

Mr Puggsly said:
Swordmasterman said:

I Still think that their biggest mistake was Purchase Minecraft, for 2.5 Billions of US$, afters Years of Release, if Xbox, and Microsoft's Gaming Division, have the same Pocket, so this wasn't good for the Brand.

That wasn't a purchase made for Xbox. Also, its still a top selling game on 10 platforms I can think of.

Not sure they will make all the money back, but its still doing really well.

It need to sell  over 52 Millions of Units with a Profit Margin of 40US$ per Unit before they can begin to make Profit with their purchase.

think-man said:
Swordmasterman said:


Dark Souls, sold more on PC, Alan Wake, sold more on PC, Left 4 Dead (i forgot if was 1, or 2), sold better on PC, The Last Tomb Raider, i think that sold better on PC.


A lot of games sell better on PC, if was Exclusive for the console as a First Party game is suposed to be, the PC, owners would purchase a Console, people purchase Consoles, because of Games, if is not avaliable on PC, they will purchase on Consoles, do you think that someone will stay without Play FFXV, only because is on Console, and not on PC ?.

The thing of Crossplay, and Crossbuy, isn't good for a PC Owner, only is good for who already purchased the Console and had a PC, this is just a way that Microsoft, found to Excuse for who purchased Xbox One, for the Exclusives, and had a PC, but as a Consumer's Perspective, there is no insentive to purchase a Xbox One, if you already have a  PC, while Nintendo, and Sony, have Exclusive games that are insentive to purchase their consoles, you cannot play Uncharted, Pokemon, Mario, God of War, other way than purchasing their consoles, this is a Insentive for PC owners.

dark souls?  nooo are you sure? I just did a google search and couldnt find anything. Dark Souls is PlayStations baby.

When the  franchise sold 8 Millions of Units with Dark Souls 1, and 2, and i saw on IGN, that the Franchise sold better on PC, with 3.25 Millions of their 8 Millions, sold on PC, but Dark Souls, also is very popular on Playstation, had 2 Games of the Franchise exclusive for it, Demon Souls, and BloodBorne, both sold over 2 Millions of units, BloodBorne, has surpassed 2 Millions since September 2015.

Swordmasterman said:
Mr Puggsly said:

That wasn't a purchase made for Xbox. Also, its still a top selling game on 10 platforms I can think of.

Not sure they will make all the money back, but its still doing really well.

It need to sell  over 52 Millions of Units with a Profit Margin of 40US$ per Unit before they can begin to make Profit with their purchase.

You should also factor in profts from merch, DLC, Story Mode, etc.

I imagine they will consider Minecraft 2 down the road. Another game that will probably be on 10 platforms. So again, this wasn't a purchase made for Xbox.

Anyhow, you don't buy an IP for $2.5 billion and expect that money back in a couple years.

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