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Binary Domain - Full Playthrough long play no commentary (PS3)

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Ganryu 2: Hakuma Kojiro - no deaths - long play no commentary (PS4)

Street Fighter EX 3 - Sakura Playthrough (PS2)

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Soul Blade - Taki arcade playthrough longplay (PS1)

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Street Fighter EX plus 2- C. Jack Playthrough (PS1) - no commentary

Yakuza Kiwami 2 Chapters 1-9 playthrough (PS4)

This is me achieving one of the most mythical accomplishments of the 1990s, obtaining the Adamant Armor in FF4. This is the Pixel Remaster version, and Square Enix made it much easier to obtain the Pink Tail by allowing you to summon five Flan Princesses (PinkPuff in the original). The monsters appear in one specific room in the Lunar Subterrane, there is a 1/64 chance of encountering them, and even if you defeat them, there's only a 1/64 chance of them dropping the Pink Tail. In the Pixel Remaster, you can use the Siren item in the room where they appear, and it will always summon a group of 5 Flan Princesses, which only leaves the luck of defeating them until you get a Pink Tail drop. So it's not quite the same as grinding for hours trying to encounter the monster and then hoping that the RNG will give you that 1:64 roll. But still, it's pretty cool. 

Last edited by SanAndreasX - on 02 February 2025

Fighting EX Layer - Skullomania Playthrough (PS4)

SanAndreasX said:

This is me achieving one of the most mythical accomplishments of the 1990s, obtaining the Adamant Armor in FF4. This is the Pixel Remaster version, and Square Enix made it much easier to obtain the Pink Tail by allowing you to summon five Flan Princesses (PinkPuff in the original). The monsters appear in one specific room in the Lunar Subterrane, there is a 1/64 chance of encountering them, and even if you defeat them, there's only a 1/64 chance of them dropping the Pink Tail. In the Pixel Remaster, you can use the Siren item in the room where they appear, and it will always summon a group of 5 Flan Princesses, which only leaves the luck of defeating them until you get a Pink Tail drop. So it's not quite the same as grinding for hours trying to encounter the monster and then hoping that the RNG will give you that 1:64 roll. But still, it's pretty cool. 

You know, I've been trying to do this exact thing. Also I subbed. Cool vintage jrpg share