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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Xenoblade X story is underrated and actually very good (spoilers)

JWeinCom said:
As for the ending, I don't think it shows that it's the end of humanity. If the memory banks in the lifehold were damaged, then the mims shouldn't be functional anymore. The lifehold is destroyed, yet the mims are functional.

Their memories and personalities still have to exist in some form, or they would be nonfunctional entirely. And they still have the genetic material, and may still be able to make bodies.

It's implied throughout the game that Mira is somehow special. In how so many species wound up there, and how everyone can communicate. In particular, there is something odd about miranium.

And that's kind of the problem with the story. There are a lot of interesting ideas that are never fully fleshed out.

You know what i hope, that in the sequel they explain more about mira, like those alien structures in oblivia, how telethia exist there, and why mira is so special, what makes it so special?

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I didn't take the ending as 'The end of humanity' even for what you are suggesting. From what I understood, they are just a different segment of humanity. Lyn said there were other ships that made it out, and that earth may not have been destroyed completely. I don't know about you, but it sounds like the Xenogears humans were on a different ship.

97alexk said:
JWeinCom said:
As for the ending, I don't think it shows that it's the end of humanity. If the memory banks in the lifehold were damaged, then the mims shouldn't be functional anymore. The lifehold is destroyed, yet the mims are functional.

Their memories and personalities still have to exist in some form, or they would be nonfunctional entirely. And they still have the genetic material, and may still be able to make bodies.

It's implied throughout the game that Mira is somehow special. In how so many species wound up there, and how everyone can communicate. In particular, there is something odd about miranium.

And that's kind of the problem with the story. There are a lot of interesting ideas that are never fully fleshed out.

You know what i hope, that in the sequel they explain more about mira, like those alien structures in oblivia, how telethia exist there, and why mira is so special, what makes it so special?

Pretty sure Mira is the planet Shulk landed on/created at the end of Xenoblade. Tatsu allotted to as much.

Clyde32 said:
97alexk said:

You know what i hope, that in the sequel they explain more about mira, like those alien structures in oblivia, how telethia exist there, and why mira is so special, what makes it so special?

Pretty sure Mira is the planet Shulk landed on/created at the end of Xenoblade. Tatsu allotted to as much.

I think Tatsu's line was just kind of an easter egg.  It's pretty clear *spoilers* that Shulk created the entire universe he lives in, and there is no reason that he would have created an Earth in it.

If you thought the story in x was good... Then I think you need either read some books or play some games that actually have a good story... X was a pretty good game, but story is definitely not a strength...

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I agree, it's one of the best RPGS I ever played (and I played a lot of them)
The game also delivers some of the things that classics used to have, a world map. continents, and it was really a great great adventure with a solid story with many twists and surprises
Monoloth soft are one of the greatest, Takahashi and his team are legends ever since I played Xenogears I realized that

Lucas-Rio said:
AAA300 said:

Loa's body was fully recovered at the end when he washed up on the beach. So humanity still alive in some form as the planet can restore them in some weird avatar movie effect.

Is it his true body or it is his Mims ? A lot of Mims have been destroyed on Mira, did they all joined Lao or are they all dead definitely?

They perfectly could have ended with everybody getting back their bodies, but they went for the final twist. I hope it's for a sequel.

I doubt the planet could make a new mim/robot. So I think his all flesh and blood now. And who knows maybe the other dead mims are alive washed up on other beaches.

X's story definitely has its moments of excellence; Chapter 5, 11, and 12, for instance.

Unfortunately, these moments were like delicious raisins in a bland cake. I had to slog through hours of uneventful filler to get to the next real plot development. Some whole chapters did little to nothing to forward the core story. And no, the sidequests were not an adequate substitute. I don't care about rescuing cats or setting up some goof with his crush, I wanted to know what was up with Mira or the Vita, why those two alien races fought at Earth, why there are Telethia on Mira, what the deal is with the Tainted, etc. The fact that most of these questions went unanswered after the final cutscene left a sour taste in my mouth.

As a whole, it's an awesome game, but the story was a letdown. The first Xenoblade was vastly more engaging and well paced from a narrative perspective.

The story is very good but I think a lot of the fans of the original Xenoblade and previous Xeno-games had higher expectations toward a more epic plot.

Probably the only downside besides the cliffhanger ending is that I wish there was a more 'natural' way to trigger the story missions or their required side quests then going into the meeting room each time.

Have you played the original XC? Because I think it is why people are so disapointed by the story. Altho good, X's is nothing compared to the original game.

Altho the fact that the story was introduced into 12 chapters made the story feel really fragmented and it kind ruined it for me. But I agree it still a really interesting story. And the ending hinting at a sequel made me extremely excited! This is how much I loved the world they introduced in this game. Compared to the original game, this one felt like a intro to a bigger story, and the story hints it at being exactly that, and what a great intro it was! So I'm really hopefull for a sequel setting the stakes higher (if there is a sequel).

Also it's true that the side quest are really solid. Way more interesting than the original game imo.


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