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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Quantum Break To Release on PC/XB1 On Apr 5

I'm still waiting for the announcement of Microsoft's own digital distribution platform. They have been signs of them trying to regain their ground of the PC market for a long time. Minecraft alone should guarantee them with a strong userbase from the start.

You know it deserves the GOTY.

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Pretty obvious at this point that the XBOX-brand will not exist in he future as it exist now

CGI-Quality said:

Nah, that was an error.

Hard to say, could've been embargod info.

Spencer last August:

In the case of things like Scalebound or Crackdown or Quantum Break, you know, just to be completely honest with you, we started those games before we really looked at expanding into Windows in the way that I wanted to bring as part of becoming head of Xbox.

Seems like a bold-faced lie now, development is not quick enough to insure a simultaneous release without some appropriation of resources towards a PC release.

Surely this confirms Crackdown and Scalebound are likely PC-bound too, or at the very least denials should be salted before you ingest them.

Xbox is no more, PC it is then.

melbye said:
Pretty obvious at this point that the XBOX-brand will not exist in he future as it exist now

IMO xbox 1080 becoming the equivalent of Steam machines always seemed llikely. It would significantly cut R&D, marketing. It would allow them to close unprofitable studios and budget more towards ROI. If they execute well a f2p Halo game can be more productive then another 343 mainline game, especially when the distrust seems to be based on single player execution rather than gameplay or f2p mechanics. The primary revenue is third party title sales anyway.

The XB1 has had a dearth of 'true' retail/AAA exclusives (only Forza 5/6, Halo 5, Sunset Overdrive in over two years). This in itself signals a certain exit strategy. It reminds me of the Japan exit. Just like in Japan, there are quite a few constumers who will feel burned by the XB1 exclusives when most of their games end up on a platform they owned anyway. The majority however won't really care if the platform they're playing is 'xbox' or 'xbox pc'. The only question mark is how important retail presence is.

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WTF I suck at predicting things.

Great news. Hopefully more come in future

Where are you getting that it won't launch on Steam?

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet    Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.

I was still interested in buying an Xbox One somewhere in the near future but i think i'm going to pass now. This is a strong sign that we won't see a lot of interesting new Xbox Exclusives further down the line.

Now if only they would bring Rare Replay to PC....

zero129 said:
Darwinianevolution said:
I'm still waiting for the announcement of Microsoft's own digital distribution platform. They have been signs of them trying to regain their ground of the PC market for a long time. Minecraft alone should guarantee them with a strong userbase from the start.

You do know MS already does have their own store build right into Windows 10 right??.

Still use 8.1. Not planning on upgrading until some time passes and W10 convinves me.

You know it deserves the GOTY.

Come join The 2018 Obscure Game Monthly Review Thread.