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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Prediction: In some years, Nintendos console will be the most successful and last relevant


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Results 30 9.32%
potato_hamster said:
zorg1000 said:

I'm pretty sure NES had a near monopoly of 3rd party support, yet Nintendo software still dominated.

If you have to go back to before Sony and Microsoft even made video game consoles to try and prove a point about how Sony, Nintendo and Microsoft would compete without third party support, your point is probably pretty weak, especially considering the NES is 3 decades old.

Ok, NES/GB/GC/GBA/DS/Wii all had pretty solid output of 3rd party games yet 1st party titles were always dominate. Nintendo-published are, always have been and always will be the main selling point of Nintendo hardware followed by 3rd party exclusives and finally multiplats.

When the herd loses its way, the shepard must kill the bull that leads them astray.

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elektranine said:
Nintendo fans are clearly going full bore.
I still remember when the Wii U was gonna be uber powerful and third parties were gonna worship Nintendo.
No difference between PS3 and PS4
Smartphones have PS3 level graphics
Smart tvs have PS4 graphics...
What alternative world you live in...

In the same alternative world where people believe 8gb of ram is more powerful than a PC and outselling the Wii U is something to brag.

Proud to be the first cool Nintendo fan ever

Number ONE Zelda fan in the Universe

DKCTF didn't move consoles

Prediction: No Zelda HD for Wii U, quietly moved to the succesor

Predictions for Nintendo NX and Mobile

JNK said:
elektranine said:

Wow thanks for proving my point. Bioshock for iPhone came out years later and pails in comparison to even the xbox 360 version, much less being compared to a top tier ps3 exclusive. Smartphones are only now approaching Wii power levels. The PS5 will be out before mobile gpus can even come close to the ps3.

I'm also still waiting for you to show how smart tv's have PS4 graphics.

nope. iPhone 6s/iPad pro are way stronger then ps3 already.

The a9x chip from the iPad pro have better benchmark scores then the amd jaguar chip used in the ps4.

The graphical performance is increasing by the factor 2 every year. Bioshock on iPhone is still only iPhone 4s niveau. Looks already way better then wii graphics. Ps3 graphics were reached with iphone 5 or 5s. Now we are coming closer to nextgen graphical level.


here is the graphical power of an ipad air:


The iPad pro is 2 generations ahead.

Sorry but no you are wrong again. I have facts and not talking points.


You do know the difference between a simple rendering demo and a fully interactive video game right? Anybody can create a pretty graphics demo on low end hardware.


The A9x chip does not even touch the PS3 much less the PS4. Don't know where you got that bit of 'info' from, don't always trust benchmarks created by Apple's marketing dept.


The A9x only has a peak theoretical performance of 460 gigaflops. That theoretical is heavily theoretical. That performance will never ever be seen. It's just marketing, arm is a architecture built for power efficiency not performance. The power consumption controls will quickly kick in and reduce the performance to 30% - 50% at all times. These run on batteries and can't run at the peak performance stated by marketing goons. Add on top of that highly virtualized abstracted OS's like IOS/Android and the average dev will be lucky to get even a fraction of the advertised performance.


There are no games for smartphones that even come close to the graphics/AI/scope of games like tlou or others. 

elektranine said:
JNK said:

nope. iPhone 6s/iPad pro are way stronger then ps3 already.

The a9x chip from the iPad pro have better benchmark scores then the amd jaguar chip used in the ps4.

The graphical performance is increasing by the factor 2 every year. Bioshock on iPhone is still only iPhone 4s niveau. Looks already way better then wii graphics. Ps3 graphics were reached with iphone 5 or 5s. Now we are coming closer to nextgen graphical level.


here is the graphical power of an ipad air:


The iPad pro is 2 generations ahead.

Sorry but no you are wrong again. I have facts and not talking points.


You do know the difference between a simple rendering demo and a fully interactive video game right? Anybody can create a pretty graphics demo on low end hardware.


The A9x chip does not even touch the PS3 much less the PS4. Don't know where you got that bit of 'info' from, don't always trust benchmarks created by Apple's marketing dept.


The A9x only has a peak theoretical performance of 460 gigaflops. That theoretical is heavily theoretical. That performance will never ever be seen. It's just marketing, arm is a architecture built for power efficiency not performance. The power consumption controls will quickly kick in and reduce the performance to 30% - 50% at all times. These run on batteries and can't run at the peak performance stated by marketing goons. Add on top of that highly virtualized abstracted OS's like IOS/Android and the average dev will be lucky to get even a fraction of the advertised performance.


There are no games for smartphones that even come close to the graphics/AI/scope of games like tlou or others.


the ipad air is able to edit 3 4k video tracks. Thats not "theoretical power". Even Intel i3´s destkops cpus have struggling handling those task.

I'm speechless. This just seems like the predictions that Sony would go bust and WiiU dominate the market.

duduspace11 "Well, since we are estimating costs, Pokemon Red/Blue did cost Nintendo about $50m to make back in 1996"

Mr Puggsly: "Hehe, I said good profit. You said big profit. Frankly, not losing money is what I meant by good. Don't get hung up on semantics"

Azzanation: "PS5 wouldn't sold out at launch without scalpers."

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interesting to consider:

JNK said:
interesting to consider:

A early 2009 RV740 chip from AMD would have run X360/PS3 graphics on the power envelope of a Nvidia Shield.

It's fairly easy to extrapolate from current trends and figure out how well hardware will run in the future anyway. At 14/16nm you can do PS4/XOne graphics with 20-30 watts to a GPU, which, even accounting for lower voltage of portable devices and improvements on the scalar architecture of stream processors, is still a bit off a Shield tablet and the like.

That leads me to theorize the ARM director is presuming TSMC or Samsung to actually release mid- to high-end 10 nm SoCs on 2017, which is a fairly unlikely´ proposition, but still, it would indeed bring a GPU to the 20W TDP we already mentioned for a gaming tablet, roughly around the same time on the lifespan of the last generation.

By the way, you are off the track with your "10x" iPhone estimates. Even stacking up Apple claims, the A9 on the 6S is 4 to 6 times better than the A6 on the iPhone 5. Either you are parroting incorrect data, cherry-picking a benchmark which was formerly bottlenecked somewhere, or deliberately claiming a lie to advance your own line or argumentation. No matter the reason, I suggest you to stop.