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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - the Wii U is not getting replaced this year, guys

bigtakilla said:
Soundwave said:


It was a great business practice if we're talking strictly from a business POV. 

It's a great business practice if we think short term profits.

No, it was a great business move in general. 

They should have done it the generation before too, wasting Perfect Dark and Zelda: MM on the N64 was stupid, those should have been moved to the GameCube launch window, it badly needed those types of games early in the life cycle, but instead the XBox came with Halo and was basically outselling the GameCube from day 1. 

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RolStoppable said:
bigtakilla said:
Soundwave said:

It was a great business practice if we're talking strictly from a business POV. 

It's a great business practice if we think short term profits.


Selling people hardware that is going to be supported with software for years to come is short term thinking while trying to sell people hardware that will have seen its final release is all about the long term.

But the people your selling the hardware to also jump ship. If Twilight Princess on Wii was such a great business move and got all these new people to experience LoZ, where are they now? In fact, where are the 20 mil that owned a Gamecube?

When you rely in 1st party, don't screw people over on your 1st party.

Soundwave said:
bigtakilla said:
Soundwave said:


It was a great business practice if we're talking strictly from a business POV. 

It's a great business practice if we think short term profits.

No, it was a great business move in general. 

They should have done it the generation before too, wasting Perfect Dark and Zelda: MM on the N64 was stupid, those should have been moved to the GameCube launch window, it badly needed those types of games early in the life cycle, but instead the XBox came with Halo and was basically outselling the GameCube from day 1. 

Go to next page and read my reply to Rol (actually the post right above this one^), you guys said pretty much the same thing.

bigtakilla said:
RolStoppable said:
bigtakilla said:
Soundwave said:

It was a great business practice if we're talking strictly from a business POV. 

It's a great business practice if we think short term profits.


Selling people hardware that is going to be supported with software for years to come is short term thinking while trying to sell people hardware that will have seen its final release is all about the long term.

But the people your selling the hardware to also jump ship. If Twilight Princess on Wii was such a great business move and got all these new people to experience LoZ, where are they now? In fact, where are the 20 mil that owned a Gamecube?

When you rely in 1st party, don't screw people over on your 1st party.


I think you're making a false equivalency. 

Most/all of those 20 million GameCube owners bought a Wii. In large part many of them bought one more quickly becuase there was a Zelda game in the launch window. 

Whereas with GameCube they were whining a lot early on "where's a real Mario game? I don't want this Luigi shit" and GameCube had a bit of a muted launch.

The truth is in some ways Nintendo can never make hardcore Nintendo fans happy, they always find something to complain about. 

This is different from the general mass-market consumer, who generally have not bought Nintendo consoles since the SNES, with maybe the exception of the Wii because it was something different/popular for a few years. 

The main reason for that is Nintendo ceded their third party support to Sony, so Playstation has assumed the role of the mainstream console that has the best content overall. This is not about "Nintendo hardcore".

bigtakilla said:
Pavolink said:


Common sense is to put on the NX. Not to waste the project on the Wii U because 10 people on a forum will be mad.

At the cost of pissing off the current fanbase, sure, and that is where the problem starts. Short term profits shouldn't be a higher priority than long term profits the people who buy your hardware can give you. You know, common sense.

Nobody outside of you and 100 people at most will be pissed.

Proud to be the first cool Nintendo fan ever

Number ONE Zelda fan in the Universe

DKCTF didn't move consoles

Prediction: No Zelda HD for Wii U, quietly moved to the succesor

Predictions for Nintendo NX and Mobile

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Soundwave said:
bigtakilla said:

But the people your selling the hardware to also jump ship. If Twilight Princess on Wii was such a great business move and got all these new people to experience LoZ, where are they now? In fact, where are the 20 mil that owned a Gamecube?

When you rely in 1st party, don't screw people over on your 1st party.


I think you're making a false equivalency. 

Most/all of those 20 million GameCube owners bought a Wii. In large part many of them bought one more quickly becuase there was a Zelda game in the launch window. 

Whereas with GameCube they were whining a lot early on "where's a real Mario game? I don't want this Luigi shit" and GameCube had a bit of a muted launch.

The truth is in some ways Nintendo can never make hardcore Nintendo fans happy, they always find something to complain about. 

This is different from the general mass-market consumer, who generally have not bought Nintendo consoles since the SNES, with maybe the exception of the Wii because it was something different/popular for a few years. 

The main reason for that is Nintendo ceded their third party support to Sony, so Playstation has assumed the role of the mainstream console that has the best content overall. This is not about "Nintendo hardcore".

But they still would have bought LoZ on Gamecube, and still would have bought a Wii if they were Nintendo fans, with or without Zelda. For the Non Nintendo fans, they didn't care about LoZ one way or another. But this fanbase didn't stick around because that's what casuals do.

Pavolink said:
bigtakilla said:

At the cost of pissing off the current fanbase, sure, and that is where the problem starts. Short term profits shouldn't be a higher priority than long term profits the people who buy your hardware can give you. You know, common sense.

Nobody outside of you and 100 people at most will be pissed.


Yup. And probably 80/100 other people complaining at first will cave within 30 seconds of seeing Mario/Metroid/Zelda running on NX. And 15 of the remaining 20 will grudingly realize they have to buy a NX when they realize they kinda want to play that Splatoon 2. 

Pavolink said:
bigtakilla said:

At the cost of pissing off the current fanbase, sure, and that is where the problem starts. Short term profits shouldn't be a higher priority than long term profits the people who buy your hardware can give you. You know, common sense.

Nobody outside of you and 100 people at most will be pissed.

Acting like you know how many people would be upset by this doesn't change the fact that currently Nintendo can afford to lose exactly 0 people. They are dabbling their toes right now in complete irrelevancy.

bigtakilla said:
Pavolink said:

Nobody outside of you and 100 people at most will be pissed.

Acting like you know how many people would be upset by this doesn't change the fact that currently Nintendo can afford to lose exactly 0 people.


Says who? Companies lose customers all the time, the point is to gain back a wider market. 

Honestly "hardcore Nintendo dude who's a grown 30 year old man buying Amiibo toys" is not the market Nintendo is most concerned with. 

If NX cannot stop kids from playing smartphone games and opting to go without a Nintendo portable ... then Nintendo is fucked pretty much no matter what. No amount of "loyal" audience is going to be able to sustain their hardware model if their portables continue to see large scale erosion. 

bigtakilla said:
Pavolink said:

Nobody outside of you and 100 people at most will be pissed.

Acting like you know how many people would be upset by this doesn't change the fact that currently Nintendo can afford to lose exactly 0 people.

I'm not the one acting in an imaginary world where a fanbase will be pissed for a dual release when the last time that happened nobody was pissed and the franchise saw a rise in sales. Basically, the opposite of your premise.

Proud to be the first cool Nintendo fan ever

Number ONE Zelda fan in the Universe

DKCTF didn't move consoles

Prediction: No Zelda HD for Wii U, quietly moved to the succesor

Predictions for Nintendo NX and Mobile