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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Gaming Professionals & Nintendo Enthusiast Rumor: Nintendo preparing new Zelda Wii U trailer for a big event

vivster said:
Zelda is a girl!


Considering the things people have pulled out from the short trailers and all that, it points to the story being related to the Sheikah, so it could possibly be Zelda.

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Nintendo Enthusiast just updated that the video is reportedly a fake.

Oh well..

I still want to see the video lol

(I just want Zelda Wii U footage :(

You and me both. I know Nintendo wants to live up to our expectations, but give us a little more than what we've seen so far. A hint of gameplay footage wouldn't hurt.

I still can't believe we only got 13 seconds of Zelda Wii U footage in 2015, Just imagine if TPHD wasn't happening, we probably would of got nothing.

I'd even take an offical artwork piece right now, I lasted a year of the Skyward Sword artwork before we got to see it.

Around the Network

Hmmm this is getting a little more interesting. I wish to get my hopes up, but...

This is being something that's for sure, I wish I got send some pictures, If I was told to keep it secret I would.

A. K
K. A

1. Which big event for parents are they do talking?
2. Why would they have a trailer so early?
3. How can you get part of a trailer?
4. How can it get leaked an incomplete video?

And finally, why not to post blurry pics?

Proud to be the first cool Nintendo fan ever

Number ONE Zelda fan in the Universe

DKCTF didn't move consoles

Prediction: No Zelda HD for Wii U, quietly moved to the succesor

Predictions for Nintendo NX and Mobile

The video is real, we just don't know if it's Nintendo made.

"Nintendo Supposedly Preparing for a Huge Legend of Zelda Announcement"

I am shocked! :)

I read this rumour and it seems like promotional video for 30th anniversary of Zelda, not like Zelda U video.