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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Rubang's Reviews #2: Abadox. 10/10. With the videos to prove it.

Oddly I've never played it nor heard about it. I'll go check it out!

Prepare for termination! It is the only logical thing to do, for I am only loyal to Megatron.

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I remember this game. I had it when I was like 8. Couldn't get past the second level without a Game Genie.

I spent so much time on these .gifs and this is all I get?

BUMP for the other time zones.

It looks like you made a big effort with this thread. I applaud you for that. Perhaps you shouldn't have picked such an old, obscure game.

Now thats what I call fanatic committment. Rubang, I applaud you.

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It looks great but.. The GIFs give the impression a lot of it is played inside some kind of, alien vagina. Rather than an organic planet.

How long does the game take do you reckon?

The first level took about 4-5 minutes, so I'm guessing it's about 25-30 minutes if you never ever die. But that's not gonna happen.

And I took this screenshot.

Wow, that game looks hard, and quite fast-paced too.

I did try to find this at the local store, but didn't see it when I went. I could of sworn I'd saw it there a few weeks ago. I picked up Double Dragon 3 when I was there, so I'm not complaining.

"I feel like I could take on the whole Empire myself."

you should do part 3 on Blaster Master RugbangB. That one is a classic, and a 10/10 too!

Never played Abadox, but it looks fun.