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Forums - Sales Discussion - Amazon US December monthly bestsellers and general Amazon-based discussion

Pionner said:
GribbleGrunger said:

Yes, I said that in my last post AGAIN. Should we ignore the fact that the XB1 is currently outselling the PS4 on Amazon or does that theory only apply to the PS4? The XB1 is in the lead and has been for quite some time now and the reason is clear. I'm sure there are better deals elsewhere but the fact remains that price is a bigger driver (at the moment) than the Star Wars franchise (on AMAZON). Am I supposed to find a pseudo logical reason why I should ignore the current trend because I'm a Sony fan, because right now I'm saying things I've said before when it favoured the PS4 but didn't once get pulled up about.

But nothing you said pertains to that. It has nothing to do with being a "Sony fan." We can discuss Amazon trends, this is a Amazon thread after all. But your post reads like you were making broad generalisations about Sony's strategy, and popularity of the COD and SW bundles, based off Amazon's hourly chart. You claimed, and i quote-

"Generally speaking, Sony's strategy has been spot on this generation but I think this is one case in which things haven't gone as expected. Star Wars doesn't sem to have pushed the PS4 as much as I think Sony expected and the Black Ops 3 Bundle hasn't done as well as expected either. Price seems to be the only driving force at the moment."

We have reports of the opposite happening. Using the hourly to infer that PS4 bundles are not doing as good as Sony hoped frankly doesn't make any sene. Especially since, again, insiders on gaf say the SW bundle is still selling extremely well.


I agree with this.  All reports suggest the battlefront bundle is doing great at retail.  Online amazon hourly is pretty irrelevant this last week.  

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Since today's the last day of the Xbox One deal, anyone wanna start making guesses at how long it stays up in price before "extending" the promotion? I say 12 days.

Pionner said:
But nothing you said pertains to that. It has nothing to do with being a "Sony fan." We can discuss Amazon trends, this is a Amazon thread after all. But your post reads like you were making broad generalisations about Sony's strategy, and popularity of the COD and SW bundles, based off Amazon's hourly chart. You claimed, and i quote-

"Generally speaking, Sony's strategy has been spot on this generation but I think this is one case in which things haven't gone as expected. Star Wars doesn't sem to have pushed the PS4 as much as I think Sony expected and the Black Ops 3 Bundle hasn't done as well as expected either. Price seems to be the only driving force at the moment."

We have reports of the opposite happening. Using the hourly to infer that PS4 bundles are not doing as good as Sony hoped frankly doesn't make any sene. Especially since, again, insiders on gaf say the SW bundle is still selling extremely well.


Maybe that's because you haven't been part of the conversation for the last few weeks. I'd perhaps accept you not understanding I was talking about Amazon but not other people who I know have been following the thread more thoroughly. It's as if people can't remember what people have said before and don't weigh what they're saying now against that. Why would I discuss insiders on GAF telling us the PS4 is doing extremely well, and why would I explain to certain posters that Amazon isn't likely the best representative because of the fact more people are using bricks and mortar retailers, and then go on to say Amazon IS representative of how sales are going overall?

And this whole argument about the hourlies is insane. One hour followed by another hour and another eventually leads to a day and one day followed by another day eventually leads to a week. When I discuss anything related to the hourlies it has to do with a trend, NOT one hourly result. Im not going to see the PS4 suddenly leap ahead and proclaim a PS4 victory and visa versa. If the PS4 leads one hour and then the XB1 leads the next, that tells us nothing. If the PS4 leads one hour and the next and the next then that gives us a possible trend. If that trend in the hourlies continues through the next day too then we DO have a trend and a likely winner for the week. Currently the XB1 has lead for 6 days in the hourlies ... I'd call that a trend. I'm judging it on the XB1 leading in the hourlies for SIX days, not ONE hourly. Price is beating marketing deals, at least on Amazon.


The PS5 Exists. 

RJ_Sizzle said:
Since today's the last day of the Xbox One deal, anyone wanna start making guesses at how long it stays up in price before "extending" the promotion? I say 12 days.

January 1st. A new years "gift".

RJ_Sizzle said:
Since today's the last day of the Xbox One deal, anyone wanna start making guesses at how long it stays up in price before "extending" the promotion? I say 12 days.


I'll say they will drop i back down to $299 Janurary 16th.

Around the Network
RJ_Sizzle said:
Since today's the last day of the Xbox One deal, anyone wanna start making guesses at how long it stays up in price before "extending" the promotion? I say 12 days.


Zero days.

GribbleGrunger said:
Pionner said:
But nothing you said pertains to that. It has nothing to do with being a "Sony fan." We can discuss Amazon trends, this is a Amazon thread after all. But your post reads like you were making broad generalisations about Sony's strategy, and popularity of the COD and SW bundles, based off Amazon's hourly chart. You claimed, and i quote-

"Generally speaking, Sony's strategy has been spot on this generation but I think this is one case in which things haven't gone as expected. Star Wars doesn't sem to have pushed the PS4 as much as I think Sony expected and the Black Ops 3 Bundle hasn't done as well as expected either. Price seems to be the only driving force at the moment."

We have reports of the opposite happening. Using the hourly to infer that PS4 bundles are not doing as good as Sony hoped frankly doesn't make any sene. Especially since, again, insiders on gaf say the SW bundle is still selling extremely well.


Maybe that's because you haven't been part of the conversation for the last few weeks. I'd perhaps accept you not understanding I was talking about Amazon but not other people who I know have been following the thread more thoroughly. It's as if people can't remember what people have said before and don't weigh what they're saying now against that. Why would I discuss insiders on GAF telling us the PS4 is doing extremely well, and why would I explain to certain posters that Amazon isn't likely the best representative because of the fact more people are using bricks and mortar retailers, and then go on to say Amazon IS representative of how sales are going overall?

And this whole argument about the hourlies is insane. One hour followed by another hour and another eventually leads to a day and one day followed by another day eventually leads to a week. When I discuss anything related to the hourlies it has to do with a trend, NOT one hourly result. Im not going to see the PS4 suddenly leap ahead and proclaim a PS4 victory and visa versa. If the PS4 leads one hour and then the XB1 leads the next, that tells us nothing. If the PS4 leads one hour and the next and the next then that gives us a possible trend. If that trend in the hourlies continues through the next day too then we DO have a trend and a likely winner for the week. Currently the XB1 has lead for 6 days in the hourlies ... I'd call that a trend. I'm judging it on the XB1 leading in the hourlies for SIX days, not ONE hourly. Price is beating marketing deals, at least on Amazon.

I don't post alot but i always follow this thread. It just seemed to me that you looked at the hourly and thought PS4 was not doing well. You even said you think gap will be smaller this month. And that's definitely something you can't depict based off PS4 being down for a few days on Amazon.

Yes XB1 leading for 6 days obviously turns into a trend and adds to sales, but i don't think 6 days on Amazon will amount to much. PS4 has been leading for weeks. XB1 would have to make up a substantial amount of sales in the extra week it had the price cut to really change anything.


Formerly ilovegirls69  :(

8 hours since last update:

#23 XB1 Gears Bundle (down 2)
#32 PS4 Black Ops 3 Standard Bundle (down 7)
#34 PS4 Star Wars Standard Bundle (down 7)
#53 XB1 Fallout Bundle (up 2)
#71 XB1 Three Game Bundle (down 2)
#82 N3DS Black (down 6)
#96 PS4 Fools Edition (down 10)

PS4 - 4 bundles, 3 in the top 100
XB1 - 8 bundles, 3 in the top 100


The PS5 Exists. 

BraLoD said:
Too much dropping

It's been fluctuating all week with a gradual inclination to a downward trend overall, but that's only to be expected after Christmas.


The PS5 Exists. 

RJ_Sizzle said:
Since today's the last day of the Xbox One deal, anyone wanna start making guesses at how long it stays up in price before "extending" the promotion? I say 12 days.

they wont. i think they will stick with 350$ as their main price point and just bundle in an AAA game in january, or keep gears.


i think the 299$ price promotion was only made to counter Sony's. if Sony didnt do the two week PS4 promotion i doubt we would have seen the 299$ XB1 price in december.