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Forums - Gaming Discussion - How will you approach the "next generation"?

I won't be getting a console until there is a game that is a system seller to me. I managed to get a PS4 around launch for $320 and bought it because I though it was a great deal and I've barely touched the console. The only games I've played on it so far are also on PS3, so I could have easily gone without buying it this early. It's especially bad since right now PS4's are going for $300, so I spent $20 extra for a non-bundled console. I wish I had bought the console around now because the first system seller to come out for me is Street Fighter V and there will be a whole bunch more coming next year as well.

Wii U NNID:  CWegzz
3DS Friend Code:  4210-5277-5484
PSN:  Ronnoc4
Steam:  CWegz

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I probably buy Ps5 at launch, and NX when a Fire emblem or a new zelda comming out on this (not the one cross plateform)

And Microsoft console still not sure, only 2 games interest me atm, i still wait for a tird. and will be same for next gen probably wait 3 game i really want and only on xbox (i have a pc)

Sony has made me happy and 2016 only looks to secure that. The early days of the PS3 feel very far away now. 99% chance will get a PS5, thought this time may wait a year after launch before buying one.

I'm still debating on Wii U or wait for NX at this stage as not sure what NX will be.

The X1 is fine, but outside of Sunset Overdrive not a game I want that cannot get on PS4. Unless Microsoft gets games I want I doubt ever get an X1 or its successor.

I'll do the same as I did for this generation, bare in mind how Sony still has all of their awesome 1st party studios, how they've listened to the consumer, not make any snap decisions, keeping an open mind on when companies deliver their presentations, what seems realistic about each new system and judge which to get 1st based on value, options of games and platform features that appeal too me.

So far Microsoft aren't showing that they've learned a thing about what the console market really wants, since Phil Spencer's inception as CEO of Microsoft Studios back in 2009 he hasn't pushed to develop and hire the quality 1st party talent needed to provide quality exclusives for the platform he's now in charge of creating from the ground up.

Nintendo needs to prove they've learned from their mistakes with their next console, so far they aren't appealing to the very market that will bring them back to a dominant position within the console market, but they at least bring the exclusives throughout the generation and they don't charge unreasonable amounts of money for their hardware, so they will definitely be one to look at for a secondary platform.
Anything can change in the console hardware and games market, as Sony showed back in the PS1 days, but really I think Sony are the only ones that truly understand how to tackle the market, by actually providing the masses with the kind of system and games that they want.

I've been extremely satisfied by the 3DS, my only console this generation so next generation I'll pick up Nintendo's Hadheld D1 aswell as their home console because I really need to pick up the big games on Wii U I missed on. Also I think the state of mind "Wii U was disappointing, I'm gona wait to see if it sells well" is kinda wrong: if everyone thought as that then the NX would be already a failure, I'd suggest instead if you were disappointed with your Wii U purchase to just wait and see if Nintendo markets it's next console properly and if they announce a good lineup...

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Probably buy NX day one if there are some games for it and I think I'm keeping up the tradition of buying PS5 day one. Xbox didn't have anything for me in 3 gens so I'm not holding my breath or my wallet for it.

If you demand respect or gratitude for your volunteer work, you're doing volunteering wrong.

PS5. buying a PlayStation has always been a constant for me. From the PS1 one thing has always been very clear. If u want new IPs, broader variety in genres and long term support of your console. you should buy a PlayStation. they have done it with every console they have made. This gen alone they have already given us bloodborne, the order, drive club, until dawn and knack as far as new IPs go.

I unfortunately don't have the time to own more than one console anymore.

I'm still busy deciding how to approach this generation! XD
Aside from having a wiiU and not being interested in the Xbox one, I think I'm going to jump on the ps4 as soon as I'm through with all my wiiU games, wich might take a while.....But I'm noticing considering getting the ps4 more and more lately.

Nintendo home console at launch... nothing from Sony or Microsoft planned but I'm not ruling it out.

Feel free to check out my stream on twitch 

99% sure this is my last gen buying handhelds, that's all I can say for sure.