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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Playstation 4 has sold-through 30.2 million units worldwide

Aragami said:
Aragami said:
Funny, Ps4 is undertracked by almost 2 Million Units, while the Xbone is overtracked like maybe... 2 Million units? ;) or even more

1.3M isn't almost 2M. And no way the X1 is 2M overtracked.

I think its possible, why they never say something about Xbone Sales alone, they always mention shipments with x360 combined.

I think they wouldn't mention numbers even if they were only 1M behind. Being second isn't a great look no matter the size of the gap.

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So,~35/36 million by the end of the year?...very impressive,and imagine next year, with an amazing lineup and a possible $299 price..

Puppyroach said:
kurasakiichimaru said:

1.3M isn't almost 2M. And no way the X1 is 2M overtracked.

Considering Xbox One has almost no presence outside of USA and UK. I'll hazard a guess that it's overtracked by atleast a million.

Yeah... no. X1 is likely undertracked, but by a small number. 

It makes more sense to believe it's overtracked. 0.5-1m. VGC US ratio for the One has been too low for about a year. Look at Halo week, US is only 50%? Sure. That doesn't even agree closely with the SW rate. Last year's misleading and vague 10M shipped "announcement" threw the math off and the inaccuracy in EU+ROW numbers has been building up for an entire year, little by little. Not that we'll know for sure due to lack of numbers for MS.. But this is the end of the year, we will see some things that could be evidence of that, as Sony national divisions across EU and maybe some Asian countries once again tell us some numbers like they did these last 2 years. This isn't the 360. It doesn't sell as much in mainland EU (or more) as it does in the UK, which is what VGC has. Speaking of which, it has it 2M in the UK on VGC but no announcement from the usual UK report about that.. Doesn't mean it didn't happen but it does make you wonder.

Puppyroach said:
OneKartVita said:
Puppyroach said:
ZhugeEX said:

Congrats to Sony.

This is further proof why no one should trust the data posted by the admin of this site.

They have a margin of error of less than 5%, which is pretty damn good tracking, so you are way off. the numbers on this site are very trustworthy indeed.

While I don't care the numbers are off here and I'm glad we get them let's be clear about the facts.  They're never just 5% off especially for the ps4.

If they never adjusted to match official sales and shipments that are regularly announced they'd be way off.  They are only ever close because we've got a few years or correct adjusted data plus a few months of their own fairly wrong data.  

I love this site for its estimations and adjustments but let's not pretend it's anywhere near 5% 

What are you talking about? They are literally less than 5% off this time, just compare VGC sales data until 14th of november, maybe add another 500k för the week ending 22nd of november and you are about 4.3% off. When they have made adjustments they will ofcourse be closer, but it is fact that they are closer than 5% from the official sales numbers right now.

You don't understand.  If they did their own and only their own tracking they'd be miles off.  They are only close because they have an accurate graph of official numbers dating back since the consoles launched.  It's not hard to get within 10% when you have a general idea of where official sales are going.  


Again I appreciate the effort and wouldn't want this site gone.  I love it and I love the fact the numbers end up largely correct.  You just have to give the official numbers their due credit.  


For example every week we get media create numbers.  Vgchartz is 100% accurate for Japan sales always because they use they're trackers for numbers.  Nothing wrong with that but it's not to be credited to them. 

Ha ha ha.


ZhugeEX said:

PlayStation 4 sold 4.1 million units between November 23rd and January 4th last year. So that would in fact be more. 

Assuming the PS4 sells more this holiday season then we could potentially see total sell through exceed 34.3 million by the end of the year. 


ZhugeEX said:

Do you have me confused with someone else?

I only post reputable data from organisations such as The NPD Group or GfK.  I don't post my own estimations with any authority. 

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Congratulation sony!!

Puppyroach said:
kurasakiichimaru said:

1.3M isn't almost 2M. And no way the X1 is 2M overtracked.

Considering Xbox One has almost no presence outside of USA and UK. I'll hazard a guess that it's overtracked by atleast a million.

Yeah... no. X1 is likely undertracked, but by a small number. The reason they are not giving away numbers is (most likely) that they are still losing market share to PS4 (Sony did a similar thing with PS3 numbers last gen for a short period of time), but they are outpacing Xbox 360.

Uhhh but with the way Halo 5 underperformed. The idea that Xone is overtracked is becoming stronger. After all franchise health depends on userbase.

Clyde32 said:

"Sony has announced that the PlayStation 4 has sold through over 30.2 million units worldwide since its release in late 2013. The figure is as of Sunday, November 22nd, and Sony says "PS4 continues to demonstrate the fastest and strongest growth in PlayStation hardware history.""

Too bad there is no games, except Bloodsouls.

- Moderated, Carl

Im astonished 




daredevil.shark said:

Ha ha ha.


ZhugeEX said:

PlayStation 4 sold 4.1 million units between November 23rd and January 4th last year. So that would in fact be more. 

Assuming the PS4 sells more this holiday season then we could potentially see total sell through exceed 34.3 million by the end of the year. 


ZhugeEX said:

Do you have me confused with someone else?

I only post reputable data from organisations such as The NPD Group or GfK.  I don't post my own estimations with any authority. 


Can you not differenitate between the two? There is a difference between me saying "X has sold Y units today" and "X could potentially sell Y units by Z".

In fact I even said in the post you quoted me (Which you edited out)- 

If I do post something that it isn't from a trusted source then it is most likely a forecast or an opinion peice. But I don't post estimates by myself. The only time I've done this in the past is for Xbox One shipment numbers but I've stopped doing that now because Microsoft refuse to update us on numbers. 


It's fairly clear in my last post I'm saying that the PS4 sold through 4.1 million between November 23rd 2014 and January 4th 2015. The 30.2m number is as of November 22nd 2015 so if the console sells the same or more than 4.1 million then it could potentially end up with over 34 million units. 

This isn't me making numbers up or guessing at something. It's just showing how the console performed last year and using that to show where it could potentially (as a forecast) end up this year. 

I may have to retract my statement where I said I don't take offense because you do seem to be attacking me for no reason at all and using very weak arguments, not to mention outright lying. 

Anyway, you asked for a website from me. So here it is-