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Forums - Gaming Discussion - The Discussion Thread: The Greatest Games Event 2015 (Your #1 Favorite Game)

uran10 said:
"Something has gone wrong in the Happy go Lucky world of Nintendo" 2

Smash Bros melee?



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Cloudman said:
uran10 said:
"Something has gone wrong in the Happy go Lucky world of Nintendo" 2

Smash Bros melee?

Correct, still my least favourite of the 4.

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Just gonna keep going with this til people get them...

Hint 40. It's a game of 4 where you can't iron man it alone. You will die, and they will laugh at you o: Also, it's a zombie game.... >_>

Hint 39. It's a GTA clone, but more interesting and it was before the series got weird...

Hint 38. It's a game that was part of Nintendo's 5 or something, and remained that way for a long time, until recently. And it has a silly new mode added in.



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uran10 said:
Cloudman said:

Smash Bros melee?

Correct, still my least favourite of the 4.

If it is your least fav, why is it on your list...? o:



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Cloudman said:
uran10 said:
Cloudman said:

Smash Bros melee?

Correct, still my least favourite of the 4.

If it is your least fav, why is it on your list...? o:

Cause I still enjoyed it a lot, I just will never play it again so depending on how much I love certain games and how many games I play next year it probably wont be there anymore. Its still a good game, but it doesn't change the fact that it is broken.

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Around the Network
Cloudman said:
Just gonna keep going with this til people get them...

Hint 40. It's a game of 4 where you can't iron man it alone. You will die, and they will laugh at you o: Also, it's a zombie game.... >_>

Hint 39. It's a GTA clone, but more interesting and it was before the series got weird...

Hint 38. It's a game that was part of Nintendo's 5 or something, and remained that way for a long time, until recently. And it has a silly new mode added in.

#39: Saint's Row II ( I think the third is where things got weird)

Signature goes here!

TruckOSaurus said:
Cloudman said:
Just gonna keep going with this til people get them...

Hint 40. It's a game of 4 where you can't iron man it alone. You will die, and they will laugh at you o: Also, it's a zombie game.... >_>

Hint 39. It's a GTA clone, but more interesting and it was before the series got weird...

Hint 38. It's a game that was part of Nintendo's 5 or something, and remained that way for a long time, until recently. And it has a silly new mode added in.

#39: Saint's Row II ( I think the third is where things got weird)

Ding ding ding! Yeah, that is how I feel about the series. 2 is the perfect spot for me. Well, that is one scratched.



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uran10 said:
Cloudman said:
uran10 said:
Cloudman said:

Smash Bros melee?

Correct, still my least favourite of the 4.

If it is your least fav, why is it on your list...? o:

Cause I still enjoyed it a lot, I just will never play it again so depending on how much I love certain games and how many games I play next year it probably wont be there anymore. Its still a good game, but it doesn't change the fact that it is broken.

I see. Will we being seeing other Smash titles on your list too...? '; )



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Hint for the #38: This guy dressed like a mammal deserved to be locked amongst the other loonies.

Cloudman said:

I see. Will we being seeing other Smash titles on your list too...? '; )

If my least favourite is there, then the other 3 will be there much much higher up.

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