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Forums - Gaming Discussion - The Discussion Thread: The Greatest Games Event 2015 (Your #1 Favorite Game)

#7: Super Mario 3D World


Super Mario 3D World is an interesting game, and one of many firsts. It's the first 3D Mario game where you can play cooperatively with one another in the main game. And I will say, this was a brilliant addition to the series. I still can't believe that my siblings would come up to me and ask if they could play "more Mario". Still puts a smile on my face just thinking about it. It's also the first in which you can choose from five different characters to play as, each with different abilites and pros/cons. Rosalina was my personal favorite with her Galaxy-esque spin jump. Peach with her hover jump was also a life saver in many situations. I also loved the fact that 3D World was a beautiful merging of 2D and 3D Mario gameplay. The level design was incredibly focused and inventive. All in all, 3D World is a game of incredible invention and timeless fun. I can't wait to see what the guys at EAD Tokyo come up with next.

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Indisputably in second place on the list, is the monumental 'Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic'. How can something be better than 'Super Mario 64'? I don't know, but it happened in this Star Wars game, the quintessential role-playing game that sucks the player into it's rich world and amazing story helped by it's seamless, perfect gameplay.

In fact, the game has a "Star Warsy-story" more "Star Wars" than real Star Wars movies! Besides maybe the original; A New Hope. A classic battle between good and evil, or in Star Wars terms, light and dark. The hook is that the player decides through a long process of actions during events in the story, choices and conversations with companions and others, whether or not he or she sympathizes with either the light, or the dark. Each side of course has far reaching consequences in the end-game and the pay-off at the end here is grand.

It includes what's probably the greatest gaming twist ever told, and I never even saw it coming. In a cutscene with amazing, revealing screenplay, and I doubt this is still a spoiler to anyone but skip a sentence if it is, it will slowly dawn on you that you are in fact, the Dark Lord of the Sith that the entire Galaxy is afraid of and simultaneously admires. Your memory wiped and your strings now pulled by your closest companion. I fell off my chair; mind blown. If you play the game more and more times you'll start to notice there actually were plenty of subtle hints to this fact all throughout the game, but you'll just don't realize the shocking fact until it's too late.

The game came after I got turned off of console gaming and I played it on a personal computer instead, further cementing my idea of the home computer's superiority during this era. It was the sheer brilliance and perfection of this game that made me stay away from consoles and rather game on computers for several more years. There was no way a console could offer anything better than this. Even though I have played through it multiple times, I recently bought and downloaded it on a tablet. Still a perfect game, and one of the few of which I never want to see the end-credits roll.

The silver prize winner is known, just one more. Wow, time flew by. I had a lot of fun these past 50 (well, still 49 actually) days with you guys! For the gold:

I am not original in picking my #1 Best Game of All-Time, what's the traditional one is also mine, but I really do wholeheartedly agree.

S.Peelman said:
The silver prize winner is known, just one more. Wow, time flew by. I had a lot of fun these past 50 (well, still 49 actually) days with you guys! For the gold:

I am not original in picking my #1 Best Game of All-Time, what's the traditional one is also mine, but I really do wholeheartedly agree.

Ocarina of time? #randomguess

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uran10 said:
S.Peelman said:
The silver prize winner is known, just one more. Wow, time flew by. I had a lot of fun these past 50 (well, still 49 actually) days with you guys! For the gold:

I am not original in picking my #1 Best Game of All-Time, what's the traditional one is also mine, but I really do wholeheartedly agree.

Ocarina of time? #randomguess

A good guess it is!

Ocarina of Time is right.

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BraLoD said:
Farsala said:
2 Hint: A PS2 game that got rereleased this year for PS4.
Hint 2: Features more time travel.

Dark Cloud

No, the time travel happens right away and puts you into the shoes of this confused person.

mZuzek said:
My #1 game is my favorite game of all time and I expect someone to figure it out.

Yes, that's my hint. I used it last year and with a little extra hint that didn't add much it worked. But if someone wants to try guessing, we can discuss so I narrow it down a bit.


Ocarina of time... nope already there.... Stafox 64.... nope already there.... Metroid prime 2?

Follow my Gaming and Graphics Business on facebook and on Twitter:

mZuzek said:
uran10 said:
mZuzek said:
My #1 game is my favorite game of all time and I expect someone to figure it out.

Yes, that's my hint. I used it last year and with a little extra hint that didn't add much it worked. But if someone wants to try guessing, we can discuss so I narrow it down a bit.

Ocarina of time... nope already there.... Stafox 64.... nope already there.... Metroid prime 2?

Dood, Prime 2 was my least favorite Metroid game, out of the 4 I've beaten. Or at least that was the case when I made the list, but after replaying it I might actually consider it better than 3.

You were closest with the first guess.

The legend of Zelda Skyward sword?

Follow my Gaming and Graphics Business on facebook and on Twitter:

mZuzek said:
uran10 said:
mZuzek said:
uran10 said:
mZuzek said:
My #1 game is my favorite game of all time and I expect someone to figure it out.

Yes, that's my hint. I used it last year and with a little extra hint that didn't add much it worked. But if someone wants to try guessing, we can discuss so I narrow it down a bit.

Ocarina of time... nope already there.... Stafox 64.... nope already there.... Metroid prime 2?

Dood, Prime 2 was my least favorite Metroid game, out of the 4 I've beaten. Or at least that was the case when I made the list, but after replaying it I might actually consider it better than 3.

You were closest with the first guess.

The legend of Zelda Skyward sword?

Well I assume you just did a simple elimination process by looking at my list and naming the only 3D Zelda not in it. That's cheating. Last year someone guessed it without that kind of stuff . But well, you deserve some credit for the effort.

Skyward Sword it is.

lol Process of elimination is best method :D . I figured it was a zelda game but my top 3 guesses were already on your list so I was like... okay... gotta be skyward sword then.

Follow my Gaming and Graphics Business on facebook and on Twitter:

#6: Super Mario World


Super Mario World always seemed larger than life. As someone who played Sonic the Hedgehog back in the day, Mario wasn't as fast, sure, but Sonic was never this big. Whether it be the map, showing a seemingly endless land full of secrets and pathways, or the levels themselves with their verticality (especially with the cape) or the diversity (Ghost Houses, Castles, Underwater levels that wouldn't kill you). The game remains every bit as special as it was in 1991, with incredible level design, platforming, and controls. The music is joyous and iconic, the graphics are vibrant and full of character, and... well... Yoshi! Super Mario World is a master class of a game, and remains a game that I'll pick up and play no matter how many years go by.