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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Sony & Microsoft To Roll Out New IP Gaming Consoles

Sorry if this has already been posted, couldn't see it anywhere. If you're lazy look away now, it's a long article.

After several days of internal consideration Microsoft executives have said that they will not be producing a Blu ray Xbox 360. Instead the Company is working on a brand new gaming and entertainment solution that will replace the current Xbox 360.

 The device will go head to head with a new home console from Sony that is both a gaming console and content management system. It is not expected to be launched untill late in 2009 or early 2010. Key to the new Microsoft offering according to a development engineer is IP content which Microsoft believes is the future for both gaming and home entertainment.

During the past 12 months and at the recent CES Expo in Las Vegas, both Sony and Microsoft have met with global telecommunication companies to discuss home gateways and the delivery of IP content into the home and their new gaming and entertainment consoles.

In Australia senior Telstra executives have said that the future is not Blu ray but Blu ray quality content delivered over an IP network or via content kiosks. Telstra have also said that they want to deliver both games and entertainment content to both the new Sony and Microsoft devices with consumers given the option of either downloading the content to the device or picking up the content from storage kiosks located at Telstra mobile stores and at key public transport hubs.

David Moffett the Group Managing Director, Telstra Consumer Marketing & Channel met with several global Companies including Microsoft at the 2008 CES event in Las Vegas and he is adamant that the future is IP delivery of content over Blu ray. He is also working to deliver content to kiosks in over 1700 locations so that consumers can pick up games and HD 1080p content. He also believes that Toshiba made the right decision in pulling out of the HD DVD content battle and that they will benefit from the transition to IP based delivery over time.   

"IP technology will absolutely change the way content is delivered and stored. Toshiba are a fine company and their move into expansion of Flash NAND storage will see new storage technology in mobile phones and storage devices. This coupled with new chip efficiency in devices will continue to deliver improved experiences for consumers. The concept of consumers picking up a HD movie on the way home from a storage kiosk is a big possibility and we already have over 1700 Telstra resellers and retail locations where this could happen".

I have met with several of the major content Companies as well as Microsoft and I am convinced that both Games and movies will be delivered to a new generation of devices quite soon". He said. SmartHouse has also been told that Moffett has been privy to both Sony and Microsoft plans for future gaming and entertainment devices. However he refuses to confirm this.

"For both Microsoft and Sony there is great value in being associated with or having a strategic relationship with a telecommunications carrier" said a senior Sony Europe executive involved in the PS3 and the development of new entertainment hub that could also have optional storage options.

The Sony executive said " Both Microsoft and Sony are working on new gaming and entertainment devices and both organisations will be dependent on IP delivery of content. The carrier has both customers and can deliver bandwidth and have extensive billing systems. They are also stitching up content deals to deliver content to consumers. In some cases like Sony has, they have taken strategic relationships in both media and content Companies or they own them outright because everyone knows that content is King. It is the only thing that has kept Microsoft in the gaming market. Halo 3 was critical to them".

He also said "We were lucky in that we took the gamble and built in a Blu ray player into the PS3. This and great games plus an excellent processor has helped us in the market. We also have the PS2 which is still selling extremely well. Microsoft is struggling and need a new gaming and entertainment solution quicker than we do. In many Countries like Australia bandwidth is still slow so until we see fast broadband in every Country Blu ray is still the best solution to watch high quality content. The price of the player is falling and we are now seeing Blu ray players in notebooks, home servers and set top boxes as well as in home storage devices".
Moffett added "Telstra will not be a dumb pipe to serve up bandwidth at the lowest cost. We are a value-added player. We have to get our timing right as the consumer only has so much money. We are excited by our strategy as we have the customers, the billing system and the network and we are aligned to everything we can see on the technology radar. This is why manufacturers want to partner with us".

Mo ffett said  "We believe that we have set the right course going forward. We are investing in faster networks to deliver the content including 42mbps to the mobile and fibre to the node in the home. Our timing is critical, we need to deliver just ahead of the customer expectation curve and we need to deliver what the customer wants from voice to data to content delivery."

When asked about PC technology integrated into a TV screen as suggested by Toshiba he said: "Toshiba are leading in the development of Flash storage so to integrate small format PC capability and small format high capability storage into a TV makes sense and will be part of the solution going forward".

Until recently Microsoft had been selling HD DVD add-on boxes for the gaming console and after Toshiba quit the HD DVD market the software giant had to make a strategic decision as to which way to go. SmartHouse was told several weeks ago that several people in the Company wanted to go with Blu ray however other executives were reluctant to support a competitor when in their view the future was not Blu ray but IP delivery of content.

Despite both Sony confirming discussions with Microsoft in an interview with Reuters Aaron Greenberg, group product manager for Xbox 360, denied that Microsoft was going with Blu ray.

"Xbox is not currently in talks with Sony or the Blu-ray Association to integrate Blu-ray into the Xbox experience," he said.
In an effort to re position the Xbox 360 up against the Blu ray PS3 he said "We're the only console offering digital distribution of entertainment content," He added that Microsoft would be sticking to this model, even for downloading high-definition content.



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holly crap that is crazy


A new console every four years from MS. Talk about ripping off consumers.

Early 2010? Wow that's only 2 years away. Perfect for Nintendo, they know what formula works and can just make the system a bit more beefier, maybe add a hard drive and Hd graphics. They have also already turned a profit just off hardware.

Bad news for Sony though, the PS3 will have only been out what 3 and a half years? Haven't they been talking about it having a 10 year life span and how it will take developers years to get the max out of it. If MS release a console in early 2010 then really at the latest Sony should be looking at early 2011.

It would be strange if the consoles felt out of sync though. So new xbox in early 2010 then new PS in early 2012. So you would end up with PS3 graphics being hugely outdated for 2 years, then the next xbox's graphics being hugely outdated for 2 years and so forth.

Wait actually if MS are looking at late 2009, early 2010. Then doesn't that mean some next gen titles would already have to be in the early stages of development?

Turkish says and I'm allowed to quote that: Uncharted 3 and God Of War 3 look better than Unreal Engine 4 games will or the tech demo does. Also the Naughty Dog PS3 ENGINE PLAYS better than the UE4 ENGINE.

^ Oh and how does this rip anyone off? They have stated they will continue to support the 360 far into the next consoles life time.

The big news to me seems to be no Blue Ray add on player or blue ray in the next 360. A mistake if these people are to be trusted. The next xbox needs to have blue ray because by then it should make decent inroads against dvd.

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It says Sony too.. so don't just say "Microsoft as per usual"

Current Consoles: Xbox 360 Elite, Playstation 2, Gaming Rig, Nintendo Wii, Playstation 3.

Xbox Live: Jessman_Aus - Playing: Ace Combat 6, Fifa 09

Playstation Network: Jessman_Aus - Playing: MGS4, Resistance 2

Wii Freind Code: 3513-9191-8534-3866 - Playing: SSBB

Brawl Code: 1590-6125-1250

Xfire: J3ssman - Playing: Fallout 3, Farcry 2

Jessman: Fears the Mangina



MS should make consoles last at least 7 years. Sony delivers with providing 10 year life times for their consoles.

Jessman said:
It says Sony too.. so don't just say "Microsoft as per usual"

Even with the wording in the original post I think that the 2009-2010 refers to the release of the new MS console, while Sony could be aiming for a later release.

@zim - Consider this: PS2 is not dead, and likewise PS3 will not die with the release of PS4.

 Also, if the next Xbox is released in 2009 or 2010 the technological difference between the current and future generations will be somewhat insignificant for most consumers. The only way to really justify a 2009 release would be an actual new innovation (x-mote?), not just adding more horsepower. Otherwise the new console will totally flop against all competition from previous generations.  Of course the same goes for Sony, which is why they have always spoken about a longer period between the current and the next generation.

Paid by the alliance
to slay all the giants.


I highly doubt that Microsoft or Nintendo for that matter would include a BluRay drive in either their current machines, or their future machines. What alternative does that leave however. Are they looking at more powerful drives for their next machines. That would be interesting. We could be talking next generation about Microsoft or Nintendo and their new proprietary drives.

I will say this Microsoft has a long way on their digital distribution before it becomes a viable service. They need to make their prices reasonable. They need to record purchases so consumers can delete and download purchased items again. Finally they need to have substantial storage capacity. They also need to deliver their external hard drive to the market.

Jessman a huge MS fanboy. BTW are you sharky?