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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Amazon US November monthly bestsellers and general Amazon-based discussion.

Teeqoz said:
Protendo said:

Sony Blog:

"The Nathan Drake Collection PS4 Bundle, which will be available at $299.99 USD (MSRP) in the U.S. for Black Friday weekend only, starting Thursday and extending through Cyber Monday.", and already have them back at $349.99. WTF?

While the XBO is still 299$. Odd.

I'm guessing everybody has blown through their alotment of PS4'S and have had trouble selling their X1'S. It's about the only reasoning that i can come up with, that makes sense.

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Well it's not like it counts for November NPD anyway

Infoscout had more info posted. Combination of good and bad news for X1: Walmart most important retailer and Target the least important and had the biggest decline (both had the best x1 deals).

And PS4 "won" BF among the 18-35 age group

Based on the evidence above, Sony PlayStation clearly “won” Black Friday 2015 among Millennials, stealing 7 percentage points of market share directly from the Microsoft Xbox.  Millennials are notoriously fickle, and Sony clearly took advantage at Microsoft’s expense.  By contrast, Middle Aged video game buyers’ preferences only changed slightly (away from Nintendo) during the Black Friday shopping spree, with Xbox capturing a slightly higher share of those gamers’ wallets than PlayStation.

That's only from 2,364 people whom were surveyed. I'll wait for the real numbers.

There's definitely something odd going on because there are a couple of articles on N4Gs about the Cyber Monday deals going live and the link shows $300. When you click on the link it takes you to the $350 Nathan Drake Bundle. That price is supposed to be $300 clearly.


The PS5 Exists. 

If you go into a retailer with the Sony Blog promotion they will have to sell you the NDC bundle for $299 no matter what, because otherwise you can sure Sony for false advertising. Online you don't really have the same leverage.

“The fundamental cause of the trouble is that in the modern world the stupid are cocksure while the intelligent are full of doubt.” - Bertrand Russell

"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace."

Jimi Hendrix


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binary solo said:
If you go into a retailer with the Sony Blog promotion they will have to sell you the NDC bundle for $299 no matter what, because otherwise you can sure Sony for false advertising. Online you don't really have the same leverage.

It's even got the Cyber Monday deal symbol there. Amazon are just being greedy.


The PS5 Exists. 

binary solo said:
If you go into a retailer with the Sony Blog promotion they will have to sell you the NDC bundle for $299 no matter what, because otherwise you can sure Sony for false advertising. Online you don't really have the same leverage.

Oo? Is this how it works in the US? That´s messed up...
If I have a Store and sell products higher than their MSRP then the producer of said product will be held responsible for my scalping?
EDIT: MSRP - "manufacturer's suggested retail price" this is nothing legally binding after all, so there should be no suing possible.

Yup...RO friggin rocked  
itsFizz said:
binary solo said:
If you go into a retailer with the Sony Blog promotion they will have to sell you the NDC bundle for $299 no matter what, because otherwise you can sure Sony for false advertising. Online you don't really have the same leverage.

Oo? Is this how it works in the US? That´s messed up...
If I have a Store and sell products higher than their MSRP then the producer of said product will be held responsible for my scalping?
EDIT: MSRP - "manufacturer's suggested retail price" this is nothing legally binding after all, so there should be no suing possible.

it could be a few things.

1. Technical error, this will be fixed and it will revert to 299.

2. They have sold most of their stock. So they are raising the price on what they have left to make a few extra buck. This would mean they think they will sell out.

3. Sony only released a finite(but obviously alot of them) number of NDC bundles that could be sold for 299. Amazon (and a few others) have reach that quota. So they no longer can sell the discounted bundle.

psn- tokila

add me, the more the merrier.

Wonder if on line retailers are temporarily raising the price today to artificially inflate their cyber Monday sales for good PR.

Only thing that throws me off is not raising the X1 price. Then again supply might be lower for ps4 and they want to ensure stock for Monday. Sucks though because we won't see the ND bundle go for 4 days straight at no.1.

gtjay1982 said:
Wonder if on line retailers are temporarily raising the price today to artificially inflate their cyber Monday sales for good PR.

Only thing that throws me off is not raising the X1 price. Then again supply might be lower for ps4 and they want to ensure stock for Monday. Sucks though because we won't see the ND bundle go for 4 days straight at no.1.

It might just hold because of the $350 Nathan Drake + Star Wars Bundle.


The PS5 Exists.