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Forums - Sales Discussion - Sony posts $280M profit. PS4 ships 4 million in Q2 & LTD = 29.3 Million

Nintyfan90 said:

Which numbers disagree? 7th Gen is outpacing 8th Gen. I'm sure you have an excuse for that. Which 3rd party franchises have done better this Gen?

Most of them did better than the first interaction in the 7th gen lol

Wait the userbase grow to level above last gen and you will see games selling way more.

It is already starting on PS4.

GTA, CoD, GT, etc will all sell more on PS4 than what they sold on PS3.

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So is PS4 undertracked on VGcharts? It looks like it right?

JRPGfan said:
So is PS4 undertracked on VGcharts? It looks like it right?

PS4 is undertracked by 1 million easy, unless there were 3 million PS4s on shelves and in warehouses on October 1st...

Nothing much to say other than ps4 is doing very well and Sony as a whole is better than it was during the ps3 era.

poklane said:
JRPGfan said:
So is PS4 undertracked on VGcharts? It looks like it right?

PS4 is undertracked by 1 million easy, unless there were 3 million PS4s on shelves and in warehouses on October 1st...

Take a good look at the FQ report.

There is a massive increase in Inventory (Inventory = manufactured but unsold goods) for the quarter. This likely means tons of unsold PS HW.

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Last edited by OttoniBastos - on 17 June 2019

drkohler said:
poklane said:
JRPGfan said:
So is PS4 undertracked on VGcharts? It looks like it right?

PS4 is undertracked by 1 million easy, unless there were 3 million PS4s on shelves and in warehouses on October 1st...

Take a good look at the FQ report.

There is a massive increase in Inventory (Inventory = manufactured but unsold goods) for the quarter. This likely means tons of unsold PS HW.

2.8M is a lot more than a ton

And they plan on reaching 39.8M in March, so unless their plan is to flood the world with unsold PS4s throughout next year..

The PS4 could have the highest lifetime total sold for RoW compared to other PS consoles. Also, that undertracked!

Rab said:
Unless I'm reading this wrong

Sony Games Division: (2015)
Sales: $649 million
Operating Income: $43 million

Nintendo: (2015)
Sales: $946 million
Operating Income: $65 million

Sony is really doing something wrong if the PS4 + Vita doesn't profit as much as the Wii U + 3DS.

"The strong do what they can and the weak suffer what they must" - Thoukydides

Ka-pi96 said:
Alkibiádēs said:
Rab said:
Unless I'm reading this wrong

Sony Games Division: (2015)
Sales: $649 million
Operating Income: $43 million

Nintendo: (2015)
Sales: $946 million
Operating Income: $65 million

Sony is really doing something wrong if the PS4 + Vita doesn't profit as much as the Wii U + 3DS.

He read it wrong. Already been pointed out earlier. He took the billions of yen figures and thought they were millions of dollars.

Actual Sony figures (courtesy of Zekkyou)

Q1 + Q2 2015:
Sales: $5.4~ billion
Operating Income: $360~ million

Ah makes sense. Still not what I would call "beast numbers" though.

"The strong do what they can and the weak suffer what they must" - Thoukydides