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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Paris killed the Halo Star (?)

Defeat how? Talk on a small message board where MS fans are the minority? Sure I guess.

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The_BlackHeart__ said:

@FloatingWaffles Of course I'm not saying Halo's sales will be affected. Halo could be released any day of the year and still be a commercial success.

But we have to understand that Microsoft decided to stockpile their games in the same quarter to increase console sales during the holidays shopping season

Halo is not just a game, it is supposed to be a killer app. And yet, the only thing I see reported by the media is information about Sony's conference.

Microsoft decided not to make a Paris week conference and lost a great opportunity to place Halo on the front page again.

Think on the run long. Marketing speaking , I believe Paris week defeated Halo. And consumers will decide with their money during Black Friday.

What do you want media to report about Halo 5 the day it has been released? There is not much to talk other than spoilers from the campain (and there are people who hasn´t got the game yet).

You´ve probally been under a rock the last 2 weeks if you missed the Halo Media Barrage.

The_BlackHeart__ said:

@FloatingWaffles Of course I'm not saying Halo's sales will be affected. Halo could be released any day of the year and still be a commercial success.

But we have to understand that Microsoft decided to stockpile their games in the same quarter to increase console sales during the holidays shopping season

Halo is not just a game, it is supposed to be a killer app. And yet, the only thing I see reported by the media is information about Sony's conference.

Microsoft decided not to make a Paris week conference and lost a great opportunity to place Halo on the front page again.

Think on the long run. Marketing speaking , I believe Paris week defeated Halo. And consumers will decide with their money during Black Friday.

As if 99% of the people who buy the consoles on Black Friday will have any idea there even was a Paris conference and what it entailed, lol. And even if they did, as if that's the deciding factor on what console they buy. I'm gonna have a ham sandwich for lunch. If the Mets win tonight, I guess that means my eating a ham sandwich inspired them to win.

LudicrousSpeed said:
Defeat how? Talk on a small message board where MS fans are the minority? Sure I guess.

This is more or less what's happening, happaned last time Sony had a big event or lets just go with e£ with the list wars and who was "talked about" the most which apparently meant the competitionw as utterly defeated and we're apparently seeing it again. It's getting pretty stale at this point, Halo is going to sell well regardless.

Step right up come on in, feel the buzz in your veins, I'm like an chemical electrical right into your brain and I'm the one who killed the Radio, soon you'll all see

So pay up motherfuckers you belong to "V"

i dont agree HALO 5 story was just MEH and i did complete the campaign in less then 7h

- so story was kind of boring and worth just a rental
- length of the game worth just a rental (just has the order 1886)
- only thing that shine it the MP and that about it

so game aint worth full price and the score it got and a fair review should be 75% due story and single campaign is bad IMO a game cant score a 90% or 86% coz MP is good went the SP kind of suck and pretty darn short just like the order 1886

P.S. paris game show was impressive i wasn't expecting that much (it sure kill all MS advertisement for the holiday IMO)
- wild look very promising
- horizon look very impressive
- driveclub bike might be good (so this might be best racing game to date)
- detroit got good hope for it
- no man sky well more i see about it more i want it

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Dark_Feanor said:
The_BlackHeart__ said:

@FloatingWaffles Of course I'm not saying Halo's sales will be affected. Halo could be released any day of the year and still be a commercial success.

But we have to understand that Microsoft decided to stockpile their games in the same quarter to increase console sales during the holidays shopping season

Halo is not just a game, it is supposed to be a killer app. And yet, the only thing I see reported by the media is information about Sony's conference.

Microsoft decided not to make a Paris week conference and lost a great opportunity to place Halo on the front page again.

Think on the run long. Marketing speaking , I believe Paris week defeated Halo. And consumers will decide with their money during Black Friday.

What do you want media to report about Halo 5 the day it has been released? There is not much to talk other than spoilers from the campain (and there are people who hasn´t got the game yet).

You´ve probally been under a rock the last 2 weeks if you missed the Halo Media Barrage.

Like me :(


The_BlackHeart__ said:

@FloatingWaffles Of course I'm not saying Halo's sales will be affected. Halo could be released any day of the year and still be a commercial success.

But we have to understand that Microsoft decided to stockpile their games in the same quarter to increase console sales during the holidays shopping season

Halo is not just a game, it is supposed to be a killer app. And yet, the only thing I see reported by the media is information about Sony's conference.

Microsoft decided not to make a Paris week conference and lost a great opportunity to place Halo on the front page again.

Think on the long run. Marketing speaking , I believe Paris week defeated Halo. And consumers will decide with their money during Black Friday.

Well of course if there was a conference that just ended there will be media sites talking about it. If Microsoft had a press conference during Uncharted 4 release week then it would be the same thing. 

"Put Halo on the front page again" You're acting as if people have already forgotten about Halo 5 even though it just released yesterday. Do you think a lot of people will forget about a big game release because of a conference during the same week?

And yeah, in the long run of course this conference will have helped Sony because any type of more exposure to new games and such will help any company. But once again, how does that have anything to do with right now? You still can't play those games until 2016 while you can play Halo 5 right now though. 

I see what you're saying about how you think that the conference might have taken the spotlight off of Halo, and it did create hype for the games Sony showed releasing in 2016, but that doesn't affect Halo in anyway since you can't play any of those while you can play Halo now. 




Chazore said:
LudicrousSpeed said:
Defeat how? Talk on a small message board where MS fans are the minority? Sure I guess.

This is more or less what's happening, happaned last time Sony had a big event or lets just go with e£ with the list wars and who was "talked about" the most which apparently meant the competitionw as utterly defeated and we're apparently seeing it again. It's getting pretty stale at this point, Halo is going to sell well regardless.

What we need to decide this are real hard facts. Like Twitter metrics.

If you demand respect or gratitude for your volunteer work, you're doing volunteering wrong.

vivster said:
Chazore said:

This is more or less what's happening, happaned last time Sony had a big event or lets just go with e£ with the list wars and who was "talked about" the most which apparently meant the competitionw as utterly defeated and we're apparently seeing it again. It's getting pretty stale at this point, Halo is going to sell well regardless.

What we need to decide this are real hard facts. Like Twitter metrics.

Ye old fashion way =P.

Step right up come on in, feel the buzz in your veins, I'm like an chemical electrical right into your brain and I'm the one who killed the Radio, soon you'll all see

So pay up motherfuckers you belong to "V"

I just realized that this is the only thread about Halo on the front page.

Let me remind you that is was Microsoft themselves that ones that decided to skip Paris Week.

This is a marketing analysis, and currently every website is talking about PS4. Trust me, that counts, and a lot.