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Forums - Sony Discussion - Sony Executive Weighs in on the Possibility of a Future Release of a PS4 With Improved Performance

Why do I get the feeling if ms said this about the x1, this would be crapped on? There's a large double standard in these forums.

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I doubt that this would be a very successful strategy unless the people that defend consoles against PCs suddenly change their minds.

Mr.Playstation said:
If Sony ever do this. I'll sell my PS4, buy a Wii U/Xbox One and change my name to Mr.Xbox or Mr.Nintendo depending on what console I choose.

I'm saving this post for future use

Justagamer said:
Why do I get the feeling if ms said this about the x1, this would be crapped on? There's a large double standard in these forums.

Or PC since, especially since this is the most recent and brand new topic where it's apparently ok to dream and instantly achieve full on 4k/60fps but since PC users are striving for that at the moment it apparently doesn't matter and is way too expensive and non viable, totally viable and ok when Sony does it though.

I honestly wouldn't be dreaming of a 4k console since it's highly unlikely that a PS5 would even manage full 4k at even 60fps let alone 30, this gen every game isn't full on 1080/60 without some sort of sacrifice being made in one form or another (someone's damn well gonna argue me being wrong but I'm really not because noted sacrifices have been made for both Xbox and PS4, it's just a fact given to us by the hardware itself).

Step right up come on in, feel the buzz in your veins, I'm like an chemical electrical right into your brain and I'm the one who killed the Radio, soon you'll all see

So pay up motherfuckers you belong to "V"

Chazore said:
Justagamer said:
Why do I get the feeling if ms said this about the x1, this would be crapped on? There's a large double standard in these forums.

Or PC since, especially since this is the most recent and brand new topic where it's apparently ok to dream and instantly achieve full on 4k/60fps but since PC users are striving for that at the moment it apparently doesn't matter and is way too expensive and non viable, totally viable and ok when Sony does it though.

I honestly wouldn't be dreaming of a 4k console since it's highly unlikely that a PS5 would even manage full 4k at even 60fps let alone 30, this gen every game isn't full on 1080/60 without some sort of sacrifice being made in one form or another (someone's damn well gonna argue me being wrong but I'm really not because noted sacrifices have been made for both Xbox and PS4, it's just a fact given to us by the hardware itself).

Because some people dont want to deal with PCs, graphicscards and drivers but still get that performance. Not to mention about exclusives which arent avaible on PC but run at 30fps on the PS4. 

Justagamer said:
Why do I get the feeling if ms said this about the x1, this would be crapped on? There's a large double standard in these forums.

Because MS releases their games on PC so its not needed. Even Halo 5 will come for PC i heard

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I'd get one just to talk trash to the people with the weaker hardware. It would be Civil War!

Just pointing out that Nintendo didn't just do this with the 3DS. They did it with a couple of Gameboys (that sounds dirty) and the DSi, too. Heck, even the N64 had an expansion pack. It could be done, just don't do it "Sega Style" and alienate a portion of your user base.

I would prefer generations in consoles be separate and if people want a premium version, such as a 4K/60fps Uncharted 4, of a game can re-release it on PS5. Consoles are great due to simplicity and uniform experience of players.

I don't expect too big of a hardware change for the PS4 throughout this generation. Though I fully expect a 4k blu-ray player to be added sometime in the not-to distant future.

Bet with Adamblaziken:

I bet that on launch the Nintendo Switch will have no built in in-game voice chat. He bets that it will. The winner gets six months of avatar control over the other user.

What they mean is PS5, lol. Console is supposed to be on close environment , what i mean it cannot evolve like PC on hardware level. Console is benefit from that, and close to metal optimization, i bet even Uncharted 4 is not even fully optimize yet, so it's still have room for optimization. If they choose to evolve their hardware people will just buy PC with brute power alone.