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Forums - Gaming Discussion - What are your preferences when it comes to Physical and Digital gaming?


Which do you prefer?

Physical 44 72.13%
Digital 8 13.11%
Depends on the game 9 14.75%
See Results 0 0%

Physical, always physical. My plan from now on is to severly limit digital purchases on consoles

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I was all over becoming a digital only consumer, so much so that I'd made sure every game I'd bought for my PS4 was digital, and upgraded the Hard Drive to cope.

Unfortunately, I've since switched back to buying physical from my favourite gaming store, as Sony's next-to-useless credit card payment system kept causing multiple issues with trying to take my money. So I gave up and I'm giving my money to a more deserving store, and re-bought any digital games I'd already purchased as physical second hand copies, so that Sony got nothing for those re-purchases.

I always buy physical games, but I get a digital game if it's free (who doesn't love free stuff?) and when it's conveniently available at the PS store at a cheap price.

Physical especially for Nintendo games since they are priced the same

but if the Digital version is cheaper, I'd consider that more

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Digital for everything. It's more convenient and the games run better. Plus games are always cheap because of frequent sales.

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I go with physical mostly, but I'm fine with digital on smaller games, or old school games. I'd rather not spent a fortune on rare old carts...



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Physical all the way, i can resell the games or buy them used even if the consoles or games arent supported anymore. I also hate to download things espacially 30-50gb games, Amazon day 1 games delivery are faster than these networks for consoles or steam. On PS3 games would take also too much space if i would go all digital.

spemanig said:

Digital for everything. It's more convenient and the games run better. Plus games are always cheap because of frequent sales.

They arent running better on newer consoles tough, because you have to install everything

physical. Digital only makes sense for fighters due to their short burst sessions and outstanding price drops.
Also, unless its dirty cheap, digital only makes sense for games you wouldnt even think about reselling.