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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Pokemon Generations Olympics Event # 8 - Sky Battle Tournament Final Round!

Round 2 Results: Coming soon

Lugia defeats Charizard
Dragonite defeats Latios (dragonite killed hoenn)
Archeops defeats Talonflame
Yvetal defeats Giratina.

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Match #1: Dragonite
Multi scale, the fact is he'll be able to tank an extra hit while lugia's defense wont mean anything to dragonite.

Match #2: Archeops
He is faster, has a huge attack stat which means he has a chance to one shot Yvetal before Yvetal can one shot him.

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Battle 1: Dragonite
Battle 2: Archeops

Battle 1 has to go to Lugia. It is true that Dragonite has multi-scale, however, Lugia also has that hidden ability, so that makes it null. In addition, while Dragonite has a high attack power, Lugia also has a high defense to be able to tank his moves, and to make it worse for Dragonite, Lugia is faster, so he can strike first before Dragonite, and don't think Dragonite can use special attacks, because Lugia has an even higher dpecial defense than his defense, along with an advantage in HP. He also has moves to counteract Dragonite, like Calm mind and reflect. I'm sorry, but this can only go to Lugia.

Battle 2 is much closer. Archeops is faster and has insane attack power, so he can strike first, however, if that doesn't one hit, Yvetal can destroy him with his high special attack and Archeop's low special defense. Also, if Archeops gets below 50% health, his ability makes it so his attack and special attack is halved, so if he get's below 50%, Archeops is screwed. However, Archeops can instantly kill with Head smash, and although it has a lesser accuracy, i'm gonna bet on the fact that it will hit and Archeops will win.


NNID: b00moscone

Switch ID: SW-5475-6755-1986

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Battle 1: Dragonite

Battle 2: Archeops

Semi Final Results:
Dragonite defeats Lugia
Archeops defeats Yvetal

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Winner match: Dragonite - His ability will help him take a hit from archeops allowing him to finish archeops off in a single hit in retaliation.
Loser Match: Yvetal - This is the one match lugia can't win convincingly. This match is close, but Yvetal is one of the few Pokemon able to overcome Lugia's Great wall Build.

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Final match goes to Dragonite easily. His hidden ability will allow him to take a hit, and his overwhelming attack power along with Archeop's weak defense would be able to finish him off, with moves such as Blizzard and Thunder.

Loser's match goes to Lugia. Although Yvetel has a high damage output, this is the same situation as Lugia vs Dragonite where Lugia can overcome their attacks with his huge defense, and chip away at the opposing pokemon, while reflect is up.


NNID: b00moscone

Switch ID: SW-5475-6755-1986

3DS friend-Code: 4613-6380-5406

PSN: b00mosconi

Winner Match: Dragonite
Losing Match: Lugia