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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Are long time gamers less impressed with graphics than newer gamers?

at first graphics may seem impressive, but the gameplay is what really matters.

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Graphics still do the trick, i got amazed by cod4.

And this gen we moved from the nice colorful graphics last gen had to even better. I prefer today than yesterday really, and its something that bothers me with nintendo approach, graphics are important as well as gameplay.

I like technology when its moving forward..

PSN: methys

Graphics for long time gamers are awesome now. When you look at NES, Genesis compared to N64/PSX. Then you Compare PSX to PS2 and so on. The graphics are great, however, they haven't made my jaw drop since a games graphics are only part of a game. If there is one thing I have learned about this generation it's that a games can have jaw dropping graphics and the game play sucks.

To answer the question in the thread, as a long time gamer I have been impressed how far graphics have come. However, I have been less impressed by the games of this generation cause the games have been lackluster.

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I've been a long time gamer, (been playing since Atari anyway), and I'm an absolute graphics whore, I haven't been so impressed with technology since the bump to dreamcast/PS2. This generation of consoles is so insane with the technology it's absolutely amazing ^^ The frame rates are quicker, the resolutions much higher, the detail, color, man it's just amazing :) So I didn't take the time to read the first page, but put me down as one of the long time gamers that NEEDS the graphical updates :P

On a side note, I also feel it applies to what type of gamer you are. Someone had a post a while back ago that mentioned the difference between story driven gamers and I forget the word for it but I want to say Method gamers? who seem more interested in the gaming mechanics than it's ability to immerse you into a story. I'm very much so a story driven gamer and I feel that the graphics and processing power only aids developers in creating a much more resembling image of what they had in mind. I'm all about creative freedom when it comes to storytelling and expression.

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the only people that still have to have the graphics to get by are the ones that dont know how good they have it..i can still remember playing snes for the first time and thinking...Damm donkey kong looks so freaking sweet....then after that i was more impressed with how laura croft was able to jump around the maps then how she looked in that top


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Heck yeah.

I am very much impressed with graphics. There are many times where I'll just take a moment, slow down, and look around in a game to appreciate the graphics and artwork. People put a lot of work into everything in a game from the character models to the textures to very level background/scenery itself. There are people who labor for hours and hours of their lives so that level 22 of ABC game could look just the way they wanted it to or the textures on the could look just right. Programmers also spend countless hours attempting to get the game to render everything the artists would like and then some.  Great graphics don't just happen by themselves, people labor to create them.

What's more, the graphics we have today really are amazing especially when you look back on some of gaming's origins. I remember playing the original Commander Keen, Duke Nukem, and VGA Trek games for the computer. They were awesome! Who remembers the jump from Commander Keen 1-3 to Commander Keen 4-6? The graphics change was immediately evident. It looked even more amazing than the original. Fastforward many years to today and games are pretty mindblowing. We went from games that had the bare minimum needed to be a semblance of a game to poetry in motion.

I think people are spoiled and greedy though. They've gotten used to having a certain level of graphics. It's no longer something to be astounded at or appreciated... it's just there. It's like people feel they deserve a level of graphics and then turn around instantly to write off anything of that level or below. Even some of the most amazing visuals ever seen in gaming history are written off with a "meh."  Then people have the nerve to go online and say that graphics don't matter or talk about how XYZ is more important.  All the hardwork that people put into making those graphics is instantly flushed down the toilet.

So yes, long time gamers are impressed with graphics because we understand the effort that goes into them and we remember what graphics used to be like and can see just how far gaming has come.

graphics in games have improved in time, how ever this has resulted in "shallow" gameplay. The difficulty in games has decreased in time and the enemy AI sucks in games.

I wouldn't say games are shallow or have shitty A.I. :P Do any of you guys remember Streets of Rage? :P Lets talk about shallow AND shitty A.I. xD Fun as hell, but definitely pointless. Games have so much meaning nowadays that if they don't execute it right, it makes it seem flawed. Back then you didn't have to give two shakes to produce a meaningful game, not so much nowadays ^^; Our expectations have far exceeded what they used to be, which is usually the case with a growing audience :)

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Graphics are very important to me. I believe the best games combine graphics and gameplay. So I would say no, long time gamers are not less impressed with graphics. It might even be the opposite. Look at how many people are buying the Wii who never played games before. They don't seem to care at all about graphics and go straight for gameplay.

Don't care for Graphics. Last gen was good enough for me, which is why I have a Wii. If I cared about graphics I'd get a 360 or PS3. Well I lied, I won't get a PS3. :P Probably won't get a 360 either.

Gameplay trumps Graphics, always.