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I've been a long time gamer, (been playing since Atari anyway), and I'm an absolute graphics whore, I haven't been so impressed with technology since the bump to dreamcast/PS2. This generation of consoles is so insane with the technology it's absolutely amazing ^^ The frame rates are quicker, the resolutions much higher, the detail, color, man it's just amazing :) So I didn't take the time to read the first page, but put me down as one of the long time gamers that NEEDS the graphical updates :P

On a side note, I also feel it applies to what type of gamer you are. Someone had a post a while back ago that mentioned the difference between story driven gamers and I forget the word for it but I want to say Method gamers? who seem more interested in the gaming mechanics than it's ability to immerse you into a story. I'm very much so a story driven gamer and I feel that the graphics and processing power only aids developers in creating a much more resembling image of what they had in mind. I'm all about creative freedom when it comes to storytelling and expression.

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