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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Brawl Codes - The Final Ultimate Thread

Added wildcat. Total count: 70 names.

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Wasn't there supposed to be a tourney this weekend? You can put GM-8 by me...or PST.


Edit...I have added through L.C.E.C.  Of course there are many more names below that which I have added from the Brawl Codes Part 2 page. 

Well if you want to update my brawl name it's AZRM. I think i'm gonna go through my list later tonight and delete everybody that hasnt added me yet. There are still like 15-20 ppl that haven't registered me back.

Lame.  The people I'm itching to play never seem to be around...

Add me.


Brawl FC: 4382-1668-1880

Animal Crossing City Folk

FC: 2492-8227-9090           Town: McAwesom          Name: Gary

Add me and send me a PM with your FC!

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Words Of Wisdom said:
Lame. The people I'm itching to play never seem to be around...

 Where's your FC anyway?  I'd love to play you.

Added Bursche and izaaz101. Total count: 72 names.

Since we have over 64 names on here and everybody can't add everybody... I'd like to direct you all to IGN's Super Smash Bros. World site.

It hosts user-created Brawl stages. You can save them to your SD card, and then upload them with a description, screenshot, name, size, whatever. They have an assload there. And they have instructions for how to upload and download and where to save them to, etc.

If any VGC homies make a stage and want us all to czech it out, it might be easier to just upload it there and then post the link in one of these Brawl threads, instead of transferring it to people 1 at a time.

Anyone know why Suda51 was thanked in the credits?

Also, seeing as I've done All-Star on Intense now, I figure I should get online soon enough. See how it plays. I'll add myself on that list sooner or later.

See Ya George.

"He did not die - He passed Away"

At least following a comedians own jokes makes his death easier.

Holy shit. You did All-Star on Intense before taking it for a spin in the online parking lot? You're insane!

And no, I have no idea why Suda51 was thanked in the credits... but one of his Grasshopper homies did some of the music, so maybe that guy snuck it in there.

I never set my Wii up for online, never needed it before now.

See Ya George.

"He did not die - He passed Away"

At least following a comedians own jokes makes his death easier.