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Forums - Sales Discussion - The Official Feb NPD Corporate Spin Thread

starcraft said:

My thread about Killzone 2 for URNotE's benefit. Took FOREVER to find it.


 I remember that thread.  

Sorry starcraft, I was such an ass in that thread.

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Thats cool DMeister, you weren't half as bad as pooperscooper.

starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

Nothing to interesting from the companies this month, just the same crap they say each month.

It would seem that, the further one has fallen, the more one has to say about how one has not really fallen at all...

I always find it interesting how Nintendo is the only one who doesn't explicitly name their competitiors or their products in their PR. No system-vs-system comparisons are ever made, just straight numbers with relatively little twisting to paint them in a more favorable light.

Sky Render - Sanity is for the weak.

I don't mind Sony putting the PS2 numbers in there as they still want to sell it, the other competitors couldn't convince retailers to get it off of store shelves fast enough.

@FishyJoe, love that quote, it was by Theodore Roosevelt was it not?

@Starcraft, Sony is in a no win situation at the moment with KZ2, they announced it way to early to gather some hype around the PS3 saying look at what it can do blablabla, except it would seem that the game was still in early development when they decided to announce it (hell, they needed some good news since I think they announced at the same time the PS3 was going to retail for $600). And quite frankly, I would rather they start the hype machine when it is getting close to retail than to get us thinking about it right now, they want us to be thinking about GT5P, MGS4, GTA4, LBP, and Home.
P.S. They made the same mistake by making Ubisoft announce Haze so early, or maybe Ubisoft actually wanted to release the game that early and just couldn't get it right, who knows.

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NPD Reports Nintendo's Solid U.S. Sales for February

Nintendo seems to be modest, but if 1M hardware units in freakin' February is just "solid," what does that make MS and Sony sales?


"[Our former customers] are unable to find software which they WANT to play."
"The way to solve this problem lies in how to communicate what kind of games [they CAN play]."

Satoru Iwata, Nintendo President. Only slightly paraphrased.

Its interesting how Microsoft and Sony have switched places and it is now Microsoft saying "everything will be alright once _________ is released."

Sony is once again relying on playstation family figures.

Nintendo doesn't even have to mention its competitors or spin the numbers at all. It merely needs to repeat them.

I like how Nintendo just came out and posted their software sales totals where the others didn't. They didn't hide ANYTHING:

Nintendo DS games topped all software sales, with more than 3.6 million units sold. Consumers purchased nearly 2.9 million software units for Wii. Four of every 10 games sold were for Nintendo systems.

So around 3m software for Wii for the month which is close to a 6 game attach rate, and DS sold the most software of them all at 3.6 for the month. That means if MS managed to sell more SW than the Wii did for the month, then they did so, barely, by somewhere between 100 - 400k units of software or so. Not exactly impressive in a month where they had two nice big games debut vs the Wii that had nothing substantial hit for the month.

The top 10 really doesn't paint the entire software picture at all. I really wish we could see the rest, Wii is moving some software big time, but we aren't getting to see it. Stuff like Carnival Games and RE:UC have done 700+k and 300K+ but we dont get to see them :(

Hah, the Sony spn is such bullshit. "Hey, we win if we compare three consoles against our competitors one!"


I guess the moral is, it takes three Sony's to beat on microsoft? 

FishyJoe said:
Nintendo doesn't even talk about how they are going to decimate everyone in March. I guess they follow the speak softly and carry a big stick philosophy.

 I think they've seen how people react to arrogant crowing, so they're going with quiet confidence. No point in rocking the boat if you're already the captain.

"The worst part about these reviews is they are [subjective]--and their scores often depend on how drunk you got the media at a Street Fighter event."  — Mona Hamilton, Capcom Senior VP of Marketing
*Image indefinitely borrowed from BrainBoxLtd without his consent.