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hudsoniscool said:
Halo warZone match

Looks interesting but I think I'll stick to big team battle. 


NNID: FrequentFlyer54

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I have a question that I don't wanna make a thread about since it would probably just devolve into a shitflinging contest: Has Gears Ultimate Edition had a price announced by now?

DerNebel said:
I have a question that I don't wanna make a thread about since it would probably just devolve into a shitflinging contest: Has Gears Ultimate Edition had a price announced by now?

No.  But should be soon, maybe in one of the episodes?

DerNebel said:
I have a question that I don't wanna make a thread about since it would probably just devolve into a shitflinging contest: Has Gears Ultimate Edition had a price announced by now?

It's listed as $59.99 on amazon, hopefully that's not accurate...

Edit: Best Buy has it as $39.99, guessing that's probably the accurate price:

kiop900 said:
DerNebel said:
I have a question that I don't wanna make a thread about since it would probably just devolve into a shitflinging contest: Has Gears Ultimate Edition had a price announced by now?

It's listed as $59.99 on amazon, hopefully that's not accurate...

Yes, that would be pretty expensive compared to other MS remasters.

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Finally in the beta and enjoying it...Play everyday for skins guys...

Well if XB1 is going to be backwards compatible does that mean we can play Gears Of War on it? That kind of makes the remaster sound pointless, even though it may be worth it.

shikamaru317 said:
GameMasterPC said:
Well if XB1 is going to be backwards compatible does that mean we can play Gears Of War on it? That kind of makes the remaster sound pointless, even though it may be worth it.

Gears of War isn't on the list right now, could be added soon though. You can currently vote for which games you want backwards compatibility for at:

Red Dead Redemption is currently in the lead

Rockstar should take note :D

shikamaru317 said:

Gears of War isn't on the list right now, could be added soon though. You can currently vote for which games you want backwards compatibility for at:

Red Dead Redemption is currently in the lead

Voted for Lost Odyssey, Tales of Vesperia and Alan Wake.

shikamaru317 said:
So, ReCore is action-adventure according to Xbox Wire. Scalebound is also rumored to be action-adventure. MS has action-adventure on lockdown with their exclusive lineup between Scalebound, ReCore, and RotTR. Now they just need some exclusive RPG's, that's the one area where their exclusive lineup is majorly lacking.

No, there are a few more areas where their exclusive lineup is lacking.