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DeusXmachina said:
EspadaGrim said:
IMO MS should remake Lost Odessy for the fans and Reboot Otogi, Mech Assault and Perfect Dark for 2017. Hoping for Alan Wake 2 exclusive announcement at GC, they seriously need more 1st party devs especially if both 343 and Coalition are exclusively developing one franchise.

Yes, to everything you said!! MS reaction should be interesting.

MS still did great at E3 but I hope that this lights a fire under their ass but we can only ask for so much.We should be thankful for what they have given us because it says that they are listening to their fans.

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shikamaru317 said:
I just realized that Sony didn't even show VR at all, lol. MS made a mistake bringing out HoloLens, even if it was only for 10 minutes or so. They should have saved that for later in the summer at it's own conference. With that 10 minutes they could have shown 2 more games.

I agree but at least it got a good reaction from the crowd I was really worried about how they would react.

shikamaru317 said:
I just realized that Sony didn't even show VR at all, lol. MS made a mistake bringing out HoloLens, even if it was only for 10 minutes or so. They should have saved that for later in the summer at it's own conference. With that 10 minutes they could have shown 2 more games.

Sony didn't show us today, but with supposedly 30 games in development for it, I assume the next few E3's are gonna have lots of VR demo's and games. 


NNID: FrequentFlyer54

shikamaru317 said:

ReCore was my favorite announce from Microsoft's conference, followed closely by Fallout 4 mod support and Halo's new MP mode Warzone. Can't wait to see more of ReCore, hopefully at Gamescom. Need me some gameplay!

It looked interesting and it has experienced people working on it but i need to see gameplay before i get excited.

EspadaGrim said:
DeusXmachina said:

Yes, to everything you said!! MS reaction should be interesting.

MS still did great at E3 but I hope that this lights a fire under their ass but we can only ask for so much.We should be thankful for what they have given us because it says that they are listening to their fans.

Are they listening though? I always felt like Sony listens to their fans much better than MS. Maybe Sony has a better marketing research team. For example, Sony gave their fans exactly what they've asked for - FF remake, Shenmue, TLG. From MS everyone wanted Rare to bring back an old IP and we got something different. It seems like MS only listens when they make a big mistake. 


NNID: FrequentFlyer54

Around the Network

Conan is playing Halo 5 MP on his show pretty cool.

My biggest games in defending order

Halo 5- looked amazing. The campaign looked very good, music was good, cinematcs were awesome. WarZone is everything I could hope for. Maps are 5x larger than the biggest mp maps. Ai on the map, been wanting this for years, it's litterally exactly what I've stayed up laying in bed thinking about occasionally since halo 3. Only negative is the graphics while good don't amaze me like everything else
Mass effect - didn't look bad, in fact everything I saw looked good but hardly nothing shown. Looks a long way off, probably holiday 2016. 6/10
Battlefront- Jedi gameplay big plus, graphics big plus, but I can't shake the feeling that dice is gunna fuck up IE buggy and unplayable. Also still worried about the amount of content(similar to Titanfall)
Gears 4- looked very polished for a game that's 1 1/2 years away. I honestly wasn't expecting any gameplay. Graphics looked good. Looks like a more serious tone which is a plus in my oppinion. 8/10

Fallout 4 looks solid. Obviously be a great game but I'll probably hold off on this one cause it's likely to be buggy at launch. I'll get it a month or 2 down the road 8/10

Haven't looked at much of ubisofts games yet, will tommorow. Also want to check out mankind divided, loved HR. Most excited to drool over halo more, want to see more of warZone and hear impressions on it.

Halo MCC will sell 5+ million copies(including digital)

halo 5 will sell 10 million copies(including digital)

x1 will pass ps4 in USA, and UK.

shikamaru317 said:

ReCore was my favorite announce from Microsoft's conference, followed closely by Fallout 4 mod support and Halo's new MP mode Warzone. Can't wait to see more of ReCore, hopefully at Gamescom. Need me some gameplay!

I'm excited to see more of it as well. I think gamescon is gunna be big for ms. Good e3 though, besides halolens that had no place in there. 

Halo MCC will sell 5+ million copies(including digital)

halo 5 will sell 10 million copies(including digital)

x1 will pass ps4 in USA, and UK.

Well I was talking about BC that was a huge request by fans and one the most farfetched but they still did it anyways but I do agree on some of your points.MS should have funded Shenmue but I guess that they saw no value in it and both TLG and FF7re were inevitability coming, the timed exclusivity for FF should surprise absolutely no one and XB owners should be happy that Sony didn't get it as an full exclusive.

shikamaru317 said:
I just realized that Sony didn't even show VR at all, lol. MS made a mistake bringing out HoloLens, even if it was only for 10 minutes or so. They should have saved that for later in the summer at it's own conference. With that 10 minutes they could have shown 2 more games.

Bahh the biggest mistake imo was the indy devs coming on stage. I mean, unless it's a game like Ori I think indy devs should have their own mini show and leave E3 for AAA games and tech advancement. 

I also think Morpheus will be one of many VR devices and they will all offer the same experience (basically) while Hololens offers something completely different. Hope MS pulls this off... imagine The Sims like that Minecraft demo or a strategy game you can play on your table. Halo Wars anyone? Seriously I think it's time we evolve from the TV and that's the vibe I got from Hololens today.