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MoHasanie said:
Wow, that Sony conference was excellent. Some of their games like TLG and FF don't interest me, but they delivered. They did everything right whereas MS just told us things we already knew. 2015 will be the better year for Xbox, but so far, based on Xbox's line up, Sony's games are significantly better in 2016.

Yes but xbox held back Phantom break, Some rare games, Crack Down, Quantum break Etc.. and I'm sure more. I'm glad they split it up, it will create buzz going into the fall season.

But that won't be enough to compete with Sony's line up (even if a couple of Sony's 2016 games are delayed, they will still have Uncharted and at least a couple of other ones). 

MS was supposed to show us other stuff but they didn't. Now they could show us things at Gamescom, but they will probably focus on showing us QB and Crackdown, Scalebound and Phantom Dust, gameplay for the first time. They need something else...


NNID: FrequentFlyer54

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Horizon was the best new IP shown at E3 and that was the one I was most looking forward to as well, I just hope that Guerrilla can deliver because the Killzone franchise was meh except maybe for KZ2.

shikamaru317 said:
MS definitely has 2015 imo, Sony showed nothing huge for 2015. However Sony seems to have the stronger 2016, and they have the E3 hype because they announced multiple long anticipated games (TLG- 6 years, Shenmue 3- 14 years, FF7 remake- 10 years).

The good news for MS is that they still have Gamescom to build up their 2016 lineup.

I'm surprised MS lost those big third party partnerships. Sems like MS cut the gaming budget for Xbox. 

EDIT: Also, TLG, Shenmue, and a FF7 remake aren't really games which are that popular or big system sellers. They will sell decently, but aren't exactly huge exclusives. Uncharted and Horizon will be Sony's big 2016 exclusives. So I guess when I think about it like that, Crackdown, Scalebound, Phantom Dust, and QB aren't too bad compared to those games. 


NNID: FrequentFlyer54

So MS has Gears, 4, ReCore, Sea of Thieves, Quantum Break, New Forza, Scalebound and Cackdown for 2016.
I imagine that Phantom Dust is 2017 now, I hope that they have more new AAA IP to show at Gamescon because Sea of Thieves was underwhelming and idk what to think about ReCore.

shikamaru317 said:

Shenmue 3 is at $1.1m in less than 3 hours. Some people didn't believe me when I said it would be the biggest Kickstarter ever if it went to Kickstarter, but looks like I was right, Shenmue 3 is tracking ahead of Bloodstained which is the current most funded Kickstarter game.

Shenmue 3 should meet all of it's first batch of stretch goals by day after tomorrow I think. Fingers crossed for an XB1 stretch goal being added in the 2nd batch of goals.

I think they probably have some sort of deal with Sony so it might not come to Xbox.

btw, your signature looks pretty ironic right now

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I don't get the Shenmue hype. People didn't buy it on Dreamcast, they didn't buy it on Xbox and now suddenly it's the second coming? I'm not sure I understand the hype behind the game, it was nice during the Dreamcast era but now I'm not sure I would even try it.

Also Horizon from Guerilla is a weird title imo. I like the dino mechs designs. But the rest puts me off. I don't like the character or the environment and I sure don't believe she could take down such huge mechs with bows and arrows.

shikamaru317 said:

Shenmue 3 is at $1.1m in less than 3 hours. Some people didn't believe me when I said it would be the biggest Kickstarter ever if it went to Kickstarter, but looks like I was right, Shenmue 3 is tracking ahead of Bloodstained which is the current most funded Kickstarter game.

Shenmue 3 should meet all of it's first batch of stretch goals by day after tomorrow I think. Fingers crossed for an XB1 stretch goal being added in the 2nd batch of goals.

That's not a surprise. Sony gave it the best promotion it could have asked for, right at it's E3 conference. 


NNID: FrequentFlyer54

IMO MS should remake Lost Odessy for the fans and Reboot Otogi, Mech Assault and Perfect Dark for 2017. Hoping for Alan Wake 2 exclusive announcement at GC, they seriously need more 1st party devs especially if both 343 and Coalition are exclusively developing one franchise.

EspadaGrim said:
So MS has Gears, 4, ReCore, Sea of Thieves, Quantum Break, New Forza, Scalebound and Cackdown for 2016.
I imagine that Phantom Dust is 2017 now, I hope that they have more new AAA IP to show at Gamescon because Sea of Thieves was underwhelming and idk what to think about ReCore.

Recore looked solid for a non gameplay trailer.that's a solid lineup and u can add forza to that list. Better than Sonys 2016 so far(maybe we will get more announcements at gamescon) probably not. 2016 is still a long way off and things will change. Every year it's next year will be the best ever, but we all know what happenes. 



Halo MCC will sell 5+ million copies(including digital)

halo 5 will sell 10 million copies(including digital)

x1 will pass ps4 in USA, and UK.

EspadaGrim said:
IMO MS should remake Lost Odessy for the fans and Reboot Otogi, Mech Assault and Perfect Dark for 2017. Hoping for Alan Wake 2 exclusive announcement at GC, they seriously need more 1st party devs especially if both 343 and Coalition are exclusively developing one franchise.

Yes, to everything you said!! MS reaction should be interesting.