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I'll vote for Cuphead. I was never a big fan of 3D platformers.

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shikamaru317 said:
Cuphead for me, even though I'm not sure if I'll play it since it's supposedly so difficult that it's frustrating. Quite frankly Yooka-Laylee's gameplay looks boring to me. If that's what the original Banjo games played like I don't see what all the hype was about.

That doesn't sound too good :S. I usually get frustrated with difficult games very quickly and then give up :/ . 

The first Banjo games were great. Maybe I enjoyed them more cause I was younger, but I have great memories playing them. I even thought Nuts and Bolt was fun and I played that 3 years ago. 


NNID: FrequentFlyer54

DeusXmachina said:
I'll vote for Cuphead. I was never a big fan of 3D platformers.

Recently there have't been many good 3D platformers and 2D ones have been much better, but you don't even enjoy 3D Mario games? 


NNID: FrequentFlyer54

MoHasanie said:
DeusXmachina said:
I'll vote for Cuphead. I was never a big fan of 3D platformers.

Recently there have't been many good 3D platformers and 2D ones have been much better, but you don't even enjoy 3D Mario games? 

I've only played a few  Mario games and i liked them but i always considered them just a fun distraction and nothing more. 

I loved Conker's bad fur day, american mcGees Alice and Enslaved but those aren't your typical 3d platformers and i was more interested in the story and characters than the platforming.

Nice for Scalebound... your dragon looks nice with an armor... can't wait to see more.

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Edge of Eternity since I backed this on kickstarter.

MoHasanie said:
So what games are you guys currently playing? I'm thinking of starting Far Cry 4, but I play the MCC and Mario Kart 8 very often as well.

I'm playing the witcher 3 mostly and occasionally switching to ori and the blind forest, fantasia music evolved, zoo tycoon and kinect dsports rivals. I'm also waiting for new episodes of tales from the borderlands, GoT and life is strange. Still getting my online fix from titanfall and fifa15. I have MCC but I really can't force myself to enjoy it... I just don't get what's supposed to be so special about halo.

With it having 80% discount this week, people really should try Max: The Curse of Brotherhood.

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