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I gave it a 7/10, cause I really liked a few things. Rare's new IP has me intrigued as well. I am getting Yakuza, AoE and Reach let's gooooooo. I love me some Reach.

Also got my 4 months of Gamepass via Discord Nitro. Feelsgoodman.jpg

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Do we know who owns the "Tell me Why" IP?

Ryuu96 said:
DeusXmachina said:
Do we know who owns the "Tell me Why" IP?

I've been trying to find that out, I can't even find the Trademark.

At the start of the generation Microsoft didn't seem to care about publishing IP they don't own, near the middle of the generation I felt like they started to focus on IP they own, but that was under Shannon, I wonder if Peter has took XGP back to publishing IP they don't own, site lists 'Trademarks' but "Tell Me Why" isn't listed in Microsoft's trademarks.

I was looking around myself (Scroll to the bottom)

On the official site at the bottom you see a Microsoft copyright and a link to Microsoft trademarks but it's not listed on there yet so I presume it will be a Microsoft owned IP and it's not updated yet, One thing looks certain is MS have the publishing rights if for some reason Dontnod own the IP.

Bit surprising Phil saying Gears 5 sold more than 4. Didn't seem that way in UK and NPD, but I guess it sold much more digitally.

TC themselves said the population is not where they want it to be but it's not dead.

Ryuu96 said:
Definitely looks like Flight Sim is not 2020 for Xbox, only lists PC now.

Gears Tactics is still schedule for 2020 according to the Gears leaker on Era.

Flight sim still says Xbox One/PC available 2020 on it's official page

Interestingly scroll down to the bottom and it just says "Xbox" and Windows 10 where as other announced games such as Everwild and Halo Infinite specifically say Xbox One and Windows 10.

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starcraft said:
I think, when ranking conferences, you need to consider context.

People giving the conference a 7, or even an 8 - what would a 10 look like? 4 brand new exclusives? 5?

Sometimes our expectations are a little unreasonable

Halo Infinite would have made it a 10 for me.

Gears 5 selling more than Gears 4 is surprising. Digital sales must be really high.

Shame Wasteland Remaster got delayed to early next year I was expecting it to be shadow dropped at X019.

Ryuu96 said:
Ryuu96 said:

Ori and the WotW & Halo Infinite? Or Psychonauts 2? Or Gears Tactics?

Ori and Halo combo would be awesome.

Ryuu96 said:

So if Feargus comes back to directing, since he technically isn't CEO anymore, we'll have these directors...

Leonard Boyarsky & Tim Cain - The Outer Worlds.
Feargus Urquhart - ????
Adam Brennecke - Grounded.
Chris Parker - ARPG (Rumoured Pillars x Skyrim).

Am I missing anyone? Josh Sawyer was also a director but he's taking a break from directing, apparently Pillars of Eternity II was really stressful for him, if he returns we'll have 5 directors in Obsidian.

Brian Heins could possibly head up small team for an isometric game, he was involved in The Outer World but I'm not sure to what extent but he could pop out a new game at some point since his last was Tyranny in 2016.