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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Nintendo @ E3 '15: Our Muppet Bodies Weren't Ready


Is Your Body Ready?

Yes. 40 24.39%
No. 14 8.54%
Not my problem. 12 7.32%
I feel like a Purple Pikmin. 16 9.76%
Hey Bill, you're Fired. 23 14.02%
What's wrong with you? 8 4.88%
I'm about kickin' ass. 6 3.66%
I'm about takin' names. 3 1.83%
My body is Reggie. 42 25.61%



Around the Network

Yay Super Metroid!!!

Official Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE Thread


Yeah, Blast Ball, now Super Metroid? This must be a hint.

OH this is so suspicious

Very glad to see the great Super Metroid here!

SUPER METROID !! fav game in the series

Around the Network

And now they're going to play Super Metroid!

Yea, this whole round screams Metroid ._.

Luke888 said:
As I said in the other topic

Blast Ball stays to Metroid as Project Guard stays at Starfox. easy to understand. Metroid 3DS coming in 2016 confirmed.

Trust me :v

BTW even if it isn't part of Metroid it's still better than code name S.T.E.A.M.

Oh, okay... what!? Also you haven't even played the game and we hardly know anything about, so it's pretty silly to claim it better than Steam.

(Blast Ball followed by Super Metroid)
...Nintendo...what are you planning?...

PAOerfulone said:
(Blast Ball followed by Super Metroid)
...Nintendo...what are you planning?...

Metroid 4 U. We all know is true