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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Nintendo @ E3 '15: Our Muppet Bodies Weren't Ready


Is Your Body Ready?

Yes. 40 24.39%
No. 14 8.54%
Not my problem. 12 7.32%
I feel like a Purple Pikmin. 16 9.76%
Hey Bill, you're Fired. 23 14.02%
What's wrong with you? 8 4.88%
I'm about kickin' ass. 6 3.66%
I'm about takin' names. 3 1.83%
My body is Reggie. 42 25.61%

Other Awesome E3 Threads!
E3 Press Conferences and Where to Watch (FireBurn95)
Official E3 Microsoft Conference 2015 (Slade6Alpha)
PlayStation @ E3 2015 (KyleeStrutt)

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IST New Delhi 9:30 PM
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JST Tokyo 1:00 AM
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NZST Wellington 4:00 AM

Where You Can Watch?

Time Zone
Example City Time
USPDT Los Angeles
7:40 AM
USMDT Denver 8:40 AM
USCDT Chicago 9:40 AM
USEDT New York 10:40 AM
BRT Brasilia 11:40 AM
WEST (BST) London 3:40 PM
CEST Berlin 4:40 PM
EEST Helsinki 5:40 PM
IST New Delhi 8:10 PM
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ACST Adelaide 12:10 AM
AEST Sydney 12:40 AM
NZST Wellington 2:40 AM
Where You Can Watch?


Time Zone
Example City Time
USPDT Los Angeles
2:00 PM
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USCDT Chicago 4:00 PM
USEDT New York 5:00 PM
BRT Brasilia 6:00 PM
WEST (BST) London 10:00 PM
CEST Berlin 11:00 PM
EEST Helsinki 12:00 AM
IST New Delhi 2:30 AM
AWST Perth 5:00 AM
JST Tokyo 6:00 AM
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AEST Sydney 7:00 AM
NZST Wellington 9:00 AM
Where You Can Watch?


Around the Network



Number Name Ticket Stamped
0 ioi
1 Captain Smeags
2 First Mate TruckOSaurus
3 Ex-Captain ConeGamer
4 MohammadBadir
5 PoliwrathLord
6 WildCard36qs
7 Umbra Witch WhiteEaglePL
8 CycycyChris
9 DarwinianEvolution
10 NinjaPirate42
11 S.Peelman
12 Clyde32
13 2Quick
14 PwrLvlAmy
15 TrashArmDSister12 and his Squirtle Legion
16 Forest-Spirit
17 T3mporary_126
18 GoodNightMoon
19 SkullWaker
20 Tak13
21 Episteme
22 Eva01Beserk
23 DelioPT
24 AnimeGaming
25 TheLastStarFighter
26 UltraShroomz
27 Mike321
28 Green_Sky
29 Celador
30 97alexk
31 Platina
32 AZWification
33 TechnoHobbit
34 Super_Etecoon
35 Ganondorf7799
36 Teeqoz
37 IAmAwesome
38 Fleischr
39 RobDX
40 VaultDweller
41 BurnInMyLight
42 Stefan.De.Machtige
43 EricFabian
44 JWeinCom
45 BunchaNumbers
46 SuperNova's Ghost
47 Kljesta64
48 SpurgeonRyan
49 Paatar
50 KoilroRazu
51 ExplodingBlock
52 Morenoingrato
53 Cloudman
54 Sherlock99
55 RolStoppable
56 Munchies
57 Fory77 (aka Mr. 2600)
58 Hynad
59 LipeJJ
60 IHateFatKatz
61 Shakarak
62 TJZ_Link
63 Captain_Yuri
64 Acevil
65 Nirvana_Nut85
66 BofferBrauer
67 MZuzek
68 Gabzjmm23
69 B00mscone
70 Mbolibombo
72 Nautilus
89 Impertinence
73 160rmf
74 Slade6Alpha
75 PixelPerfect
76 Slarvax
77 TomaTito
78 POE
79 Uran10
80 OfficerRaichu15
81 NintendoPie
82 KyleeStrutt
83 Vini256
84 Rafie
85 Slab_of_Bacon
86 FragilE^
87 Ryng_Tolu
88 Wright
90 UltraVolt
91 RCTJunkie
92 Supreme Commander Myak-04
93 Mine
94 GameChaserBE
95 Amp316
96 FedFed
97 RavenXtra
98 Veknoid_Outcast
99 Leadified
100 AxumBlade
101 Carl2291
102 Shinobi-San
103 StarCraft
104 Torillian
105 Tolu619
106 FusionCode
107 Roma
108 Edwardooo
109 Cobretti2
110 Pavolink
111 TsoGud
112 Tachikoma
113 Tamron
114 StarOcean
115 Zekkyou
116 SamuelRSmith
117 Miguel_Zorro
118 Toxy
119 FarleyMcFireFly
120 SethNintendo
121 BasilZero
122 Hedra42
123 Nikkom
124 DanneSandin
125 Luke888
126 Menx64
127 NoName2200
128 SpokenTruth
129 Einsam_Delphin
130 The_Dengle
131 Vkaraujo
132 OnionBerry
133 Mike_L
134 PAOerfulOne
135 Osed125
136 Curl-6
137 Nem
138 IRStupid
139 JRANation

In the upcoming weeks, I will be holding different contests that ask everyone to perform specific tasks within this thread. After a certain amount of time, I'll pick a winner (based upon my own wonderous and slightly insane standards) and reward that user with a free eShop game!

IMPORTANT: The eShop codes will only work in North and South America, excluding Brazil. Sorry folks.

# The Task The Date The Prize The Winner
1 Tell us all about a memorable, special, or unforgettable moment you had while playing a Nintendo game! 5/28-5/30 SteamWorld Dig (3DS) Impertinence
2 Post your favorite Nintendo themed GIF! 5/31-6/2 Guacamelee (Wii U) Hynad
3 Post creepy Reggie-themed pics/GIFs (without being NSFW @_@) 6/3-6/5 Mighty Switch Force! (3DS) UltraShroomz
4 Tell us about your favorite Nintendo E3 Conference and why it's your favorite! 6/6-6/8 Sportsball (Wii U) Eva01Beserk
5 Show us your favorite song from a Nintendo Game Soundtrack and tell us why you love it! 6/9-6/11 OlliOlli (3DS) Platina
6 Tell us why you're a Nintendo fan, and what Nintendo means to you! 6/12-6/14

SteamWorld Dig (Wii U)
Whoa Dave! (3DS)
Moon Chronicles (3DS)



Which game are you most looking forward to seeing at E3?

Bravely Second: End Layer (3DS) 3 1.30%
Devil's Third (Wii U) 23 10.00%
Fire Emblem If (3DS) 14 6.09%
The Legend of Zelda (Wii U... Believe!) 50 21.74%
Mario Maker (Wii U) 10 4.35%
Shin Megami Tensei x Fire Emblem (Wii U) 29 12.61%
Star Fox (Wii U) 55 23.91%
XenoBlade Chronicles X (Wii U) 22 9.57%
Yoshi's Wooly World (Wii U) 3 1.30%
That other game that I'm excited for! 21 9.13%
Total: 230  

What surprise game announcement would you love to see the most?

2D Mario! 3 1.49%
3D Mario! 32 15.84%
Animal Crossing! 6 2.97%
F-Zero! 21 10.40%
Metroid! 78 38.61%
Paper Mario! 17 8.42%
Pokemon! 7 3.47%
Punch-Out! 6 2.97%
Wii Music U Starring Ravi Drums! 8 3.96%
New IP! 24 11.88%
Total: 202    

What has been your favorite Nintendo E3 Conference of the last 10 years?

2005 12 8.22%
2006 29 19.86%
2007 2 1.37%
2008 4 2.74%
2009 6 4.11%
2010 28 19.18%
2011 1 0.68%
2012 1 0.68%
2013 23 15.75%
2014 40 27.40%
Total: 146  

What are you hoping for the most in the Smash Bros. Direct?

Bayonetta Summons the Climax! 48 36.09%
Cranky Kong Brings the Cane! 2 1.50%
Inklings Ink-rease the Fun! 19 14.29%
King K. Rool Steals the Show! 8 6.02%
Ridley is Just too Big! 6 4.51%
Roy's Our Boy! 6 4.51%
Ryuu is Ready to Fight! 14 10.53%
(Insert Other Character H... 11 8.27%
Characters? I want more s... 13 9.77%
Give me Pichu or Give me Death! 6 4.51%
Total: 133

I can't wait for E3! Hoping to get that 2D Metroid for the 3DS.

You know it deserves the GOTY.

Come join The 2018 Obscure Game Monthly Review Thread.