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Forums - Gaming Discussion - For all 360 Gamers, do you care about GTAIV Episodic Content?

Deviation59 said:
Alasted said:
Deviation59 said:

At this point, I'm buying the PS3 version of the game (as long as performance is equal) just to spite Microsoft because I loathe the idea of trying to buy exclusivity to a better version of a multi-platform game. It's fucking bullshit, IMO. However, if the GTA IV DLC really is substantial in the HL2 episodes vein, I'll have to suck it up and buy a used 360 copy at some point as well so I can check out the DLC.

I'm glad you have the moral fiber to not waiver from your convictions

Moral fiber? If there's some truly worthwhile GTA content, I'm not going to deprive myself of it just to make some kind of a point that would never be heard by anyone. I'm just letting personal opinions drive my initial purchase.

If you feel strongly enough to buy the PS3 version out of spite, why reward MS and Rockstar with another transaction for the DLC?

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It does matter to me... If its good.

However since I only own a 360 its the version i'm going to get no matter how good or bad the dlc is. So I may or may not get the DLC, if its as big as some people think it will be then I most definitely will.

Alasted said:
Deviation59 said:
Alasted said:
Deviation59 said:

At this point, I'm buying the PS3 version of the game (as long as performance is equal) just to spite Microsoft because I loathe the idea of trying to buy exclusivity to a better version of a multi-platform game. It's fucking bullshit, IMO. However, if the GTA IV DLC really is substantial in the HL2 episodes vein, I'll have to suck it up and buy a used 360 copy at some point as well so I can check out the DLC.

I'm glad you have the moral fiber to not waiver from your convictions

Moral fiber? If there's some truly worthwhile GTA content, I'm not going to deprive myself of it just to make some kind of a point that would never be heard by anyone. I'm just letting personal opinions drive my initial purchase.

If you feel strongly enough to buy the PS3 version out of spite, why reward MS and Rockstar with another transaction for the DLC?

 Because I'm that much of a sucker for GTA and if they're telling a good story in that DLC, then I'll want it. I love the stories in the GTA games, even though they crib constantly from Goodfellas, Scarface, Casino, Carlito's Way and The Godfather among others. If the 'episodes' have good stories, then I'll want to have them. If it's just stuff like cars, weapons and some side missions, then I won't actually care.

I'm going to get it, because I can't see it NOT enhancing the game.

I'm willing to guess the episodic content will offer new missions, cars, possible extra characters to play with, more weapons, etc.

So in that sense yeah, it'll give me another reason to go back to the game after I complete it. - It is what it is!

As a PS3 and 360 owner I'm a little irritated that episodic content is only on the 360 several reasons:

1. Rockstar could have put all of the extra content on a blu-ray disk and I wouldn't have to pay extra for it.

2. The fact that the game is coming out on DVD means that the game for the PS3 can only be so large, therefore, it won't be anywhere near the size and scale of San Andreas. I'm guessing It will be smaller than Vice City.

The whole idea was basically a smart move by Microsoft, (Love the games and console but hate the company...monopolistic bastards!) and a greedy move by rockstar and as a result , they have lost some of my respect.

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I have not yet purchased a next gen system. GTAIV is one of the games I was waiting on. Resident Evil 5 is another. I have been leaning towards the PS3 for dependability and blu-ray. I love the GTA games and play them a lot. I play them out. Now that Blu-ray has won the format war the chances of me buying a 360 are pretty slim. I can't understand why Microsoft is holding out on the DLC details. Others like me are probably not going to wait to the last minute to buy a system. If they purchased this DLC to get people to buy 360's then tell us what it is in details! What are they waiting for?


You have the question entirely wrong. This would be the domain of Rockstar. Why haven't they disclosed details in regards to the expansions. Why have they been reluctant to share details about the game itself. Microsoft may have purchased these expansions up front, but its only proper to let the developer do the unveiling. So you really have no reason to be upset with Microsoft anymore then you have a reason to be upset with Sony, or Nintendo for that matter. The console manufacturers do not one up their third parties big announcements.

The real question is why Rockstar is holding out on interested consumers when it comes to the games details, and the details of these expansions. I suppose they want to increase the impact of the announcements, but the episodes are also supposed to have a play time of around ten hours each so it is safe to say they are as they said epic in nature. They may feel too much detail up front may harm the game especially if these expansions enhance the multiplayer experience for example through radically different competitive game modes.

Lets be brutally honest that is what almost every 360 fan loves to get with expansions. They want more things to do with friends and strangers online in their games. Imagine if one of the modes is helicopter duel low in the city. That definitely adds an entire dimension to the game if these expansions come with such things, and any real fan would obviously buy the game that will have that kind of enhancement down the line.

I would expect the contract between Rockstar and Microsoft to state who, how and when the details of the DLC will be told. If Microsofts plan is to entice people to buy the 360 over the Ps3, why would they want the information released later rather than sooner? Waiting for the last week, or couple weeks, may not be a good idea for Microsoft if that is their plan.

I do not even care for XBox Live let alone downloadable content. MS rape there customers by charging such high costs for online play, downloadable content should be free.

Dodece said:

The real question is why Rockstar is holding out on interested consumers when it comes to the games details, and the details of these expansions. I suppose they want to increase the impact of the announcements, but the episodes are also supposed to have a play time of around ten hours each so it is safe to say they are as they said epic in nature. They may feel too much detail up front may harm the game especially if these expansions enhance the multiplayer experience for example through radically different competitive game modes.

 I think one of the reasons they haven't announced concrete details yet is because they want to make sure that people who only own a PS3 go out and buy their game instead of feeling gypped and buying something else.