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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Splatoon Is Going to Hit 1mil in Sales, and It Wont Take Very Long! (1 Month)

Congrats Tbone!

Let the crow-serving begin!

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Congrats t-bone on what turned out to be one of the most accurate predictions on VGC ever.

I once said in a prediction thread it would do 128k first week and then leg it out to over a million lifetime due to word of mouth. Glad to see that was shattered and mouths talked faster. But I said that in a time before the hype blew up to massive proportions. I couldn't have known. Still, I upped that to 2m before launch after it looked like it would do better, but even that seems lowballing it now. Oh well, I'll have your crow and like it .

tbone should get the tiger games balls of te year award for this!

well its sales were much bigger than i thought it would be. congrats.

I think we should all appreciate that a new IP is selling that much even if the platform in question hasn't had a whole lot of releases in the past 6 months and that Nintendo had to spend Mario Kart-level of money to market it.

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I never expected such huge marketing, so that explains the success. In Japan too cause it's selling like crazy over there too. Congrats on the job Ninty!

...Let the Sony Domination continue with the PS4...
Lawlight said:
I think we should all appreciate that a new IP is selling that much even if the platform in question hasn't had a whole lot of releases in the past 6 months and that Nintendo had to spend Mario Kart-level of money to market it.

Droughts make games sell?  That explains how The Wonderful 101, Tropical Freeze, Rainbow Curse, Mario Party 10, and Bayoneta 2 had such huge sales...oh wait.  

Yes marketing helped.  But that doesn't discredit the success.  2015 had a weak first couple months in general and Bloodborne had a lot of marketing.  Does that make its success irrelevant?  Only a small number of first entries in shooter franchises have sold this many copies in one month.  The game's a success, stop going around downplaying for no reason other than to be a downer.  

And the Mario Kart comment was for the UK.  I can tell you now they didn't spend that in the States.  Japan and UK maybe, but not here.

A lot of crows died today.

Nogamez said:
Fun game but I can't see it hitting 1m lifetime.....


JNK said:
Nogamez said:
Fun game but I can't see it hitting 1m lifetime.....


I never ever thought this game would outsell donkey Kong tropical freeze and windwaker HD lifetime let alone One month. Ha lol how wrong was i. Even I fell for the hype and bought it.,but that's OK is a great game