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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Halo 3 - Your honest opinion on the game.

^don't know about 3 but the other two sure were crap. It ain't trolling either. Not a single game will please everyone.

It ripped off Starcraft too much.

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I like it. It's weird, I feel that the game loses out to many other games in different aspects (single player of Bioshock and COD4, as well graphically to those 2 games), and it doesn't engage me the same way as other games, yet I keep coming back to it. It's got a weird kind of satisfaction to me when I play online. It's like a meat and potatoes dinner. Nothing fancy, filling, and ultimately what I would choose over something that might be fancier.

I played alot of games since Halo 3 came out, but I can always come back to Halo 3, play 4 or 5 games online and be immensely satisfied. Even when I get over games I think are better, I always come back to Halo 3.

Shame, Halo 3 is not on the PS3 :(

Halo 2 with bloom effect is how I felt playing through this game; the multiplayer was the same Halo multiplayer, very fun and frantic but thats not going to 'save' it for me.There was really nothing added to the overall gameplay and it just felt the same to me, Id have thought at the third release they'd have implemented SOME sort of significant change but alas, it didnt happen.

Overrated? That word is used far too often, Ill just say It had so much more potential that wasn't tapped into.

Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned for Sega. - Jason Lee, Mallrats. - Mainly American Football, snippets of Basketball, European Football and Hockey.