Ultrashroomz said:
Happy New Year, NintenDomination!
I second this! I'm really feeling it after last night!
Oh it had little to do with new years, just some unexpected success in PSMD hehe. I thought my rain team would be able to wreck Groudon as easily as it beat Kyogre, but having not played OR/AS, I was ignorant of his ability buff. Can't be overwritten by other weather effects and water type moves are useless? That seems pretty OP, both in this game and the mainseries. Between my team of 3 I had only three attacks that could even damage him. Was a second away from resetting the game, but figured I may aswell try first. Well I did more than try, I somehow won still! Twas a new years miracle! ...sike it was just my super awesome skillz. :L