Xenoblade Chronicles just royally screwed me. It all started with the mission: A Proper Chopper.
I spent a few hours finding the items, and when I went back to the chopper, Ciska would not acknowledge I already had the items. She kept insisting I go look for them. I kept trying to talk to her and get her to take the items and the game froze. I rebooted it and when the game started I was set back several saves, at least a days worth of playing.
I was at level 26 when I started this morning, by the time I found the parts I was a level 31. It set me back to level 24, the proper chopper mission isn't even available yet. It set me back several saves, how is this even possible? I don't know if I'll continue this game now. I can't see myself putting more time into it without having a back up save. This game has a horrible save system.