mZuzek said:
Einsam_Delphin said:
No game is without flaws, especially not one which just had some of them pointed out.
Actually, I think there are games without flaws, several in fact - the least ambitious a game tries to be, the easier it is to make it flawless. For example, I can't point out a single real flaw in A Link Between Worlds, yet it's nowhere near being my favorite Zelda.
I don't consider what you said to be flaws. I don't think the item balance is broken at all in MK8, it works great and usually gives you good items for each situation. Complaining about getting coins if you're sitting in first place is nonsense, you're not supposed to be always getting awesome items, and even still it's not like coins are completely useless, since they do make you faster and give you a tiny speed boost. I understand the problem when you get coins in other positions, but I find that 99% of the time if you get a coin in 6th place or something, it's because the race just begun and everyone's still close together, so powerful items are unnecessary (and actually very annoying in a situation like that).
That 2nd place can get stuff as good as a Crazy 8 while 10th can get a single Green Shell is laughably imbalanced. This is unfortunately possible because the items you can get are heavily based on how far away you are from the next racer in front of you, rather than what position you're in. This combined with some of the following issues makes it hard to change positions making races more boring and stagnant.
The Coin is simply unimpactful thus unfun no matter what place you're in. Also, you don't get a boost from getting a coin. Come to a complete stop then use your coin item and see for yourself. They do increase max speed a bit, but getting a measly 2 coins (which are all over the track) is not worth being unable to do anything and left completely vulnerable. Getting a coin is nearly the equivalent of getting nothing, which is especially bad when there's already an item like that being the Blooper.
There are plenty more issues than that though. Boost items are indirectly nerfed due to most tracks lacking good shortcuts, again making comebacks hard to pull off. The Star was directly nerfed as it barely even increases your speed now. Red Shells are too strong due to the aforementioned Coin item helping leave people wide open often (well also cause of the 1 item at a time thing which has been fixed in Deluxe). Blue Shells are less frequent which furthers promotes frontrunning from start to finish instead of dynamic races.
This post is getting too long so I'm just gonna speed through the rest. Lightweights are significantly inferior again, Karts are superior to Bikes even without the firehop exploit (dunno if that's still in MK8D), less possible stat combinations than MK7 despite way more parts, Acceleration tiers still being a thing, Gliding is mostly just a visual gimmick now, and that's all just off the top of my head.
You might not think the game has flaws, but thankfully Nintendo likely does seeing as they fixed the battle mode and backtracked on the one item thing, so I wont be surprised when more gets changed up in MK9.