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That moment when you'd rather play Xenoblade or watch My Little Pony than participate in Splatfest. Well I still need snails since the gear hack don't work for me, plus I don't want to break my never missed a splatfest streak if I can help it, so just gotta force myself to get it over with!

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So this Splatfest was... actually not that bad! I don't think I disconnected once, very rarely did other players drop, not as many mirror matches as before (though I lost more than won anyway), and lag wasn't anything out the ordinary. I still had plenty of teams where I'm #1 in points with a Rapid Blaster, read: one of the worst turfing weapons in the game, but I didn't really care about winning and just enjoyed the actually smooth experience!

Felt like I was playing in a Japanese Splatfest though, since 90% of the many players I played with were from there. I know it doesn't really matter, but I just don't like that since that's how Splatoon is normally. I always saw Splatfest as a refreshing break from them. It's just nice actually being able to read everyone's names and having a high chance meeting up with people you know. Hopefully this Splatfest doesn't start a trend.

As for who will win it? I got no fucking clue! xD

cycycychris said:
Cloudman said:

Glad to hear the issue is gone. Most of those issues go away when you host, though it seems weird that framerate is worse for you. It's usually smooth for me. It's probably just this game being a hot mess.

You have weird randos too. I rarely ever have anyone want ro take out the boss, and the rare time it happened, the other members also said no, so they would eventually give up.  I guess you're getting the boss hungry randos.

And yeah, the provided text you can use aren't very great. It's hard to convey what you want to say like "Let's wait for others to join" or a simple "Hello" or "Good Bye". There are many things I want to say, but they're not provided. They just have stupid things like "Fight to the end" or "Go another round?" and "Let's do another round!" Kinda redundant there... Oh well. I guess there's nothing you can do but accept it.

Had an even worse random today. He literally sat at the door begging for us to go to it while we were fighting the undead cook. 2 of us proceed to die, but here he is still sitting at the gate not helping  at all. Me and my teammate finally finish and we beg the person to stop being a idiot and join us at the end... 7 minutes later, she steps down and comes to the ending, while my hand was over the quit button. Then the other idiot on my team jumps out on 1 and proceeds to waste another minute just standing looking at us. Can't even explain how fast I ran to the central module thing and disbanded that diaster of a room.

But on another note, after over 100 research cards, I finally have my gun.... Now I have to grind through that again to get a new sword.... Since I would like to get one before I start star 3 missions.

They really need to update in a plain keyboard. I'm sure I'm probably facing some 12 year who thinks he's a rebel and knows everything. But it would be so nice to at least try to reason with a person other than 'no'... But I assume they went this route to keep a universal communication language everyone could understand. Just wish they thought of better options.

Wow, you have bad luck with randos. Most of the ones I get are good ones, or at least competent. I stopped getting bad ones once I got to lvl 2 and 3 missions. I haven't encountered any like that in such a long time, since the beta. I dunno why you're getting such a bad batch...

Good job on getting your new gun. I spent so many on a lvl 4, but never got it ;_; I guess I'll try again with another one, grumble...

Yeah, I wish they would change the chat options, with at least a wider selection of phrases to say. Sadly, I don't think they'll make any changes to it. This is probably all we're going to get, aside from a new stage or 2 : /



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cycycychris said:
Cloudman said:

Wow, you have bad luck with randos. Most of the ones I get are good ones, or at least competent. I stopped getting bad ones once I got to lvl 2 and 3 missions. I haven't encountered any like that in such a long time, since the beta. I dunno why you're getting such a bad batch...

Good job on getting your new gun. I spent so many on a lvl 4, but never got it ;_; I guess I'll try again with another one, grumble...

Yeah, I wish they would change the chat options, with at least a wider selection of phrases to say. Sadly, I don't think they'll make any changes to it. This is probably all we're going to get, aside from a new stage or 2 : /

I had good luck today, other than one person in the teens who of course wants to do the boss. But after 30 seconds of begging, he quit so ended up being fine. Plus the other guy I was playing with was really cool. Sent a friend request to him for the hell of it. I already have accepted 4 or 5 peoples who sent one to me. not like we'll ever be able to organize a match. I use to have a list of like 30 people from AC4, but they slowly start dropping you anyways.

It was only a level 3, so nothing to special. I plan to try and get a level 4 sword. I want to do a level 5, but I think that will be a bit to much for me to be able to win with out paying. I got 46 chips right now, so I'm off to a good start. i just need the game to give me sword when I reroll the slots instead of guns. I got one, but thats level 3. They really should get rid of this 12 hour penalty. Its annoying.

I can at least comfirm one person has spent money on this game. Had a guy come into my room with a level 5 sword and gun. Which he is only a level 16 or 17. Someone clearly is paying to win. But other than that, from what I observe from other players, seems a lot are taking the route of not paying. Which kind of makes me believe this is a release and done type of game, I don't see any new levels being released. the microtransactions in this game are really not invasive enough for me to really see them being able to make a porfit or at least a decent size one. I really have no idea why Metals are not buyable with cash, or atleast make like the ammo and health buyable. Seems there missing out on a lot of money.

This game has been out for a while now in Japan, with that no hit glitch still in this game, it doesn't give me much hope for future content. I just wish they would add in a whole new map. Not just doing the ruins and labratory again and again.

Wow, you actually get friend requests from people you play with? I've never gotten any, though I dunno if I would accept any of them anyways. It's not exactly easy to organize sessions with this game, stupid lack of friend invites and private rooms...

I've noticed some weird things on some of my sessions as well. Sometimes players have costumes not even available to westerners, such as Sayuri's kimono and the blonde woman's cowboy outfit. Those were given to Japanese players as prizes during an event to fight bosses, so I figure those players may be Japanese. I am unsure though. Also, Sayuri players with high lvl gear tend to have the same item, a type of yellow dragon-like sword. I have never encountered it myself, so I figured those players paid money to get it. I'm not sure. I'm kinda hoping people don't actually put money into it. It's just not worth it... What metals are you referring to, also?

From what I've seen, they did add a new map for the Japanese version, so at some point, we will be getting it as well. Hopefully it's sooner than later. I dunno how long I can keep doing facility and ruins... >_>;



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Just finished fire emblem fates. It was amazong and the last level was very hard. Im happy 💪

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Hah looks like Japan's inclusion did what Europe could not, overpower the typical NA trend!

Yet another victory for me, how things have changed since that 0-6 start!

cycycychris said:
Cloudman said:

Wow, you actually get friend requests from people you play with? I've never gotten any, though I dunno if I would accept any of them anyways. It's not exactly easy to organize sessions with this game, stupid lack of friend invites and private rooms...

I've noticed some weird things on some of my sessions as well. Sometimes players have costumes not even available to westerners, such as Sayuri's kimono and the blonde woman's cowboy outfit. Those were given to Japanese players as prizes during an event to fight bosses, so I figure those players may be Japanese. I am unsure though. Also, Sayuri players with high lvl gear tend to have the same item, a type of yellow dragon-like sword. I have never encountered it myself, so I figured those players paid money to get it. I'm not sure. I'm kinda hoping people don't actually put money into it. It's just not worth it... What metals are you referring to, also?

From what I've seen, they did add a new map for the Japanese version, so at some point, we will be getting it as well. Hopefully it's sooner than later. I dunno how long I can keep doing facility and ruins... >_>;

My friends list has a few AC4 people left, 1 watch dogs,  one MH3 person, some splatoon,  lost reavers,  the rest is VGC. Maybe theres other games, i forget. I got around 200 friend requests from AC4 since i was one of the best players. I had to pick and choose.  Yeah, it's dumb there's no jump into friend room option. Makes it annoying to coordinate. The only thing we got is miiverse, I think I would just tell them to join vgc so we can easily talk. 

Oh, that's how people are getting those outfits. I was wondering how they got those. Yeah, you really don't need to put money into this game. It's really not worth it. They really didn't design this to Guage money from you, not worth it to get a small lead on others. they released a new area in and not here yet. That's a very strange plan, I hope they release out here soon.I mostly only do the labratory basement, I find it the most fun. 

Er, I thought I found all auto corrects errors, swipe writing is not always the best. I meant to say medals... it would make sense to charge for them. Or at least for the ammo since that's the only way to earn them is through medals. Or doing those mission things, I forget what they are called. 

Hah, it would be funny if we got more members just from playing LR. One of the weirdest reasons to join, for such a game... I usually organize games with friends on skype. That makes the process easy, haha.

Yeah, people paying to win are missing out on the better parts of the game, which is gradually earning your gear. When you already get everything, what's the point in playing anymore? Just seems weird for people to do. Ah well, their money right? I agree that Facility basement is the most enjoyable. Having 3 bosses rotate is pretty fun. You never know where that cop is gonna appear. I hate that mid boss.

Yeah, it is weird they don't have more items to spend money on. I think Namco would earn a lot more if they had more items you can use real money to get. I guess they have weird times to have good intentions...



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Culipechi said:
Just finished fire emblem fates. It was amazong and the last level was very hard. Im happy 💪

Which one did you beat? I beat all 3 and would like to write my thought on it indepth when I get the time. I really enjoyed them as well.



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Cloudman said:
Culipechi said:
Just finished fire emblem fates. It was amazong and the last level was very hard. Im happy 💪

Which one did you beat? I beat all 3 and would like to write my thought on it indepth when I get the time. I really enjoyed them as well.


Nice, with all the mirror matches, it looked liked Fancy was the more popular choice and it would end up with a loss like what happens with NA all the time

I couldn't get invested much in the Splatfest since of the crazy long wait times between battles.. (especially when I lose after a match, I can't exit out of the screen for like 3 whole minutes).. Also had a lot of connection problems with not connecting at all etc. However, the battles themselves were relatively okay though. Almost all the players I've seen (like 98%) where all Japanese though :p

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