80, which is pretty good for a new IP
KLXVER said:
Unless reviewers are dedicated Nintendo staff then they will compare it against online lobbies they're used to
sales2099 said: low 80's. Dare I say it....this will be nintendos Titanfall (great MP but lacking in other content). |
This game actually has a singleplayer and isn't just another generic shooter.
That said, reviewers will ignore the cheaper price and the fact that it gets a lot of free dlc over the summer because they're ignorant like that. So I'm predicting 60-70%.
This is really hard to guess. I think the gameplay will be good, but the content on disc at launch will be lacking. It's hard to tell how reviewers will score given those 2 factors but I think the lack of content will lower it. However they may take into account the fact that nintendos already told everybody what content is coming and that its free. That might excuse the lack of content on disc......
Erm... 83??? I guess
Lack of content on launch day will harm it's review scores but it's innovative concept and the great gameplay mechanics will make critics love it.All will go down to netcode and replayability value too.I predict a 83 score.
I am hoping for 80-85. Might get a lower average though.
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I'm going to say 80-85.
I feel like there will be some complaints about voice chat and how easy it would have been for them to put it in for those who want it, and that all the content isn't there at the launch of the game and will come at a later time.
This whole "lacking content" reminds me of Killer Instinct. Amazing gameplay, with the promise of more characters/modes in the coming years, ended up with a 73 due to lack of content at launch. Shame really.
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