HollyGamer said:
I forget where did i read it |
Which is funny, because I could have sworn, that Shinobi of Neogaf wrote that the game is slated for 2016 and will debut this E3.
What are you most excited to see at Sony's E3? | |||
Guerrilla Games New IP | 9 | 60.00% | |
Uncharted 4 | 2 | 13.33% | |
Level 5 new PS4 game | 1 | 6.67% | |
Sony Bend's New IP | 1 | 6.67% | |
Media Molecule's New IP | 1 | 6.67% | |
Project Morpheus | 0 | 0% | |
Quantic Dream new IP | 0 | 0% | |
No Man's Sky | 0 | 0% | |
The last... haha JK. GT7 | 1 | 6.67% | |
See Results | 0 | 0% | |
Total: | 15 |
HollyGamer said:
I forget where did i read it |
Which is funny, because I could have sworn, that Shinobi of Neogaf wrote that the game is slated for 2016 and will debut this E3.
bananaking21 said:
Fair enough. I totally wanted to jump on the hypetrain, thats why i clicked on the thread. But now you have edited with some better stuff. :)
DerNebel said:
Well I'm still pretty sure it's going to be there, from what Shinobi has been saying it seems like Sony really wants this to be big and the stage for a new IP that they really want to be big is E3 or maybe the Playstation Experience. So I'd be very surprised if it wasn't among the 3 SCE announcements at E3 that are supposed to get people to talk ;) |
Yeah i hope i was wrong, and hoping to see this games announce on E3, but maybe SONY has more games that need to be anounce on E3 (other triple A games ), and hoping to see Santa Monic Studio games beside God of War remake.
HollyGamer said:
Yeah i hope i was wrong, and hoping to see this games announce on E3, but maybe SONY has more games that need to be anounce on E3 (other triple A games ), and hoping to see Santa Monic Studio games beside God of War remake. |
The new God of War for one is a game that I wouldn't expect before maybe the PS Experience
LordLichtenstein said:
The game is slated for 2016, i am agree with that, but i also read on tweeter (i cannot find the link) that GG (Guerrilla Games) new IP will not be on E3, but maybe they talking about another IP not the "Horizon" we are talking about. But then again i am fine, because most of triple A games always get a release date minimum one year after their announcement and if not lucky got delayed.
I would have chosen Uncharted if it wasn't revealed yet, so it got to be Fallout 4, since it's the best second choice and would be the biggest suprise on E3. Guerrilla seem to have something good up their sleeve and since we don't know what it is yet, it's actually the biggest mystery. It's not like Uncharted, Halo, Gears, Mass effect and Fallout to be as mysteriuos.
PSN: Opticstrike90
Steam: opticstrike90
DerNebel said:
The new God of War for one is a game that I wouldn't expect before maybe the PS Experience |
Yeah, but God of War is too big to be miss on E3 , and Santa Monica studios names is really influential , if SONY want to win by miles on Holiday (NPD) at least they just need to hype this before holiday , and also SONY has a lot project that involve 3rd party this year, so i bet there is so many games coming on 2016 that need to be announce on E3.
I think PS Experience will more of gameplay then an early footage , and most of announcement is better to do on E3 rather on PS Experience, Because with E3 they can create hype for new user base and PS Experience for their loyal fan.
HollyGamer said:
Yeah, but God of War is too big to be miss on E3 I think PS Experience will more of gameplay then an early footage , and most of announcement is better to do on E3 rather on PS Experience, Because with E3 they can create hype for new user base and PS Experience for their loyal fan. |
Yeah but I think that God of War just hasn't been in development for long enough, I even remember a tweet by the game director stating that they won't have anything to show till some time after E3, I honeslty and I know that this is going to disappoint a lot of people, wouldn't even expect GOW4 in 2016, I'm pretty sure that's looking at a 2017 release (spring I guess).
And I don't think GOW4 hype is going to help them win the holidays in the US :P
Horizon and Level 5's new PS4 game are some of my most anticipated game announcements.
Tagging! If nothing else, this could yield some amusing posts to read
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