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Forums - Sony Discussion - BraLoD catching up with the classics: Final Fantasy 9

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BraLoD said:
HollyGamer said:
This game is perfect game for closing the FF series for PS1.

Well there is still Tatics, but it won't be in my focus anytime soon, so... yeah

well i mean the main series ,

for me this games is so pure it's like i am playing game for the first time, the music, the character and the world is really shows how Square had Improve from time to time with their experience, it's idealistic game that accepted by many people. This game is the game satisfied both Nintendo  FF fan with PlayStation FF fan when it was released.

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Keep playing, don't stop. The game is fantastic. The more I look back on it the more I love it. Gameplay is good, story good, music is absolutely fantastic (keep listen, it's gets really good).

Hmm, pie.

The first 2 discs of FF9 are some of the finest gaming that exists. I must've replayed about 15 times. Still haven't got round to beating the optional megaboss though.

garywood said:
The first 2 discs of FF9 are some of the finest gaming that exists. I must've replayed about 15 times. Still haven't got round to beating the optional megaboss though.

Ozma? Neither have I. It's my level of game playing that stops me though, I do loads of things I just don't do optional end bosses unless there really is a reason. I mean I have a go and am happy to.

I just went to a website to check I was spelling the name right and this website showed 4 optional bosses, I've found 3 and beat 2, didn't even know the 4th existed.

Hmm, pie.

BraLoD said:
HollyGamer said:
This game is perfect game for closing the FF series for PS1.

Well there is still Tatics, but it won't be in my focus anytime soon, so... yeah

You know Tactics happens in Ivalice right ? The same world from that FF XII, wich incidentaly you love. Tactics is pretty awesome but also very different, since its a SRPG and not a traditional RPG.


The Fury said:

Ozma? Neither have I. It's my level of game playing that stops me though, I do loads of things I just don't do optional end bosses unless there really is a reason. I mean I have a go and am happy to.

I just went to a website to check I was spelling the name right and this website showed 4 optional bosses, I've found 3 and beat 2, didn't even know the 4th existed.

Ozma is a pretty awesome fight, you should give it a go sometime, cook up a nice strat ad take the guy down, nothing beats the feeling of defeating a super boss after comming up with a well elaborated strategy. 

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I'll be honest here, this, X and XII are the mainline Final Fantasy games that I have not played yet.

You know, not every Final Fantasy is a classic. Just saying

It's the best Final Fantasy game ever made. FACT

"I've Underestimated the Horse Power from Mario Kart 8, I'll Never Doubt the WiiU's Engine Again"

IX is my second favorite Final Fantasy after VI. It is much better than VII and VIII in my opinion, a little bit better than IV and X, much better than XII, I-III, and V. Never finished XIII, but will do so when I can get the Steam release cheap (sold my XIII PS3 copy long ago.) 

My favourite Final Fantasy of all time. I hope you'll enjoy it as much as I have.

Will you be doing all the side quest?

*Tip: Make Zidane constantly steal the crap out of every boss battle you encounter until the bosses carry nothing left.