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Forums - Sony Discussion - BraLoD catching up with the classics: Final Fantasy 9

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Judging by your initial impressions I think you are going to like this game a lot.
FF IX is a bit different than other FF:s - but also one of the very best IMO.
And the Music, ah my gaad, some of the songs are among the very best in all FF:s.
(My personal top three is Return to zanarkand, You're not alone, Terras theme)

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BraLoD said:
Aura7541 said:

It's my second playthrough.

So you already knew it, we are not in the same level.
 I'm still the noob getting to stare there and say: "wow, that's nice!", when you already know what'll happen XD

Even though this is my 2nd time, I still sometimes go wow xD

BraLoD said:
think-man said:
Best ff ever made

I'm finally playing your favorite FF indeed, I still remember when you said me that last year and I said I would eventually play it.

Here I'm now! XD


Also, once you're done with the game, you should listen to some of FFIX's music in the Distant Worlds album.

Good reading your impressions of the game. FFIX is in my backlog and hopefully I'll get to it before I'm elderly. Actually, getting through most of the FF games is a goal of mine. I've only beaten 3 of them.

It'll be awhile before I figure out how to do one of these. :P 

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I looked for Legend of Dragoon on PSN but it's not on the ME store for some odd reason. I didn't want to use an emulator because I have a low threshold for turn-based games that I can't play on a handheld (crossing my fingers for Persona 5), but I really feel like playing one right now.

This thread reminded me that FF9 is on my Vita backlog and I should probably get back to it.

.- -... -.-. -..

Best Final Fantasy on PS1.

BraLoD said:

I'm sorry but what ME stands for? LoD is sadly not available on Europe PSNs (at least the ones I know).

It even came to my PSN (Brazil) and didn't went there, but that's because we take a lot of the same as the US one so we got lucky.

Do a US account and get it if you can, it's $5,99.

Totally worth it. Would recommend to play it on a PS3 but I heard it looks better on Vita because of it's age and the smaller screen, but if you don't care about it play it on a PS3, at least to me I take more of the games when I play it on a TV as I only play when I get some time to dedicate to it and not more casually in a handheld anywhere, which might distract you from the game in some extent and if you are playing it with low music because you are without a headphone in a public envyronment it's a big let down, as listening to the musics hold a nice share of the experience.

Brazil has the same stuff as the US store? That's awesome :o. I hope the prices are also the same. 

ME stands for middle east, and it's almost the same as the EU store. I'm not there anymore, but the account that has almost all of my digital games is set on that region. I'd prefer to play it on Vita with headphones but it looks like I don't a choice. I don't mind playing it on PS3 that much though. I'll pick it up after I play FF9.

P.S I only played and finished FF7, FF13 and FF13-2. I heard FF9 is supposedly the best one of the PS1 era so I'm expecting an amazeballz experience.

.- -... -.-. -..

That vibe youre getting from 9 was exactly what Squenix was going for, a return to the classics. Nobuo Uematsu considers FF IX to be his best work ever (his words) the OST of this game has some very legendary tracks. Altought 9 isnt my favorite FF (VII is) its probably the second on my list or third I can never realy decide beteween 9 and 10.

Also chocobo sidequests in this game are a complete joy.

PieToast said:

Brazil has the same stuff as the US store? That's awesome :o. I hope the prices are also the same. 

ME stands for middle east, and it's almost the same as the EU store. I'm not there anymore, but the account that has almost all of my digital games is set on that region. I'd prefer to play it on Vita with headphones but it looks like I don't a choice. I don't mind playing it on PS3 that much though. I'll pick it up after I play FF9.

P.S I only played and finished FF7, FF13 and FF13-2. I heard FF9 is supposedly the best one of the PS1 era so I'm expecting an amazeballz experience.

Brazil has mostly the same stuf as the US on the PSN. You know you can make a US PSN for you right, I have one there wasnt a Brazil PSN when I bought my PS3 way back when, so I made a US one and just stuck with it because of trophys and such. I have to buy pre-paid PSN cards on the internet to add funds to my account since I cant use my credit card directly on my PSN acc cause of the billing adress of the card, its kind of anoying but not too much.


BraLoD said:
DakonBlackblade said:
That vibe youre getting from 9 was exactly what Squenix was going for, a return to the classics. Nobuo Uematsu considers FF IX to be his best work ever (his words) the OST of this game has some very legendary tracks. Altought 9 isnt my favorite FF (VII is) its probably the second on my list or third I can never realy decide beteween 9 and 10.

Also chocobo sidequests in this game are a complete joy.

Nice to know, it really feels good.

About the sidequests, if they are easy to find I'll probably do them, if not I'll probably miss them and I'll not be using any kind of help while playing the game.

The begining of the sidequest chain is unmissable if Im not mistaken, from them on its actualy pretty simple to keep doing them if you want to, theres nothing actualy hiden, you have to actively want to do them tough but if you decide you gona do it you can pretty much do the whole thing by yourself (the whole quest chain sprawls for the entirety of the game).