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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Which Franchises Are the Most Beloved in Gaming..... That Dont Sell Millions?

bananaking21 said:
tbone51 said:

I know but according to him the game that sells the closets to 2mil next is the most popular franchise ;-D

thats because sales is a direct indicator of popularity. 

It might be an indicator but an indication isn't the end meaning. If sales equalled popularity then why do some Mario games sell ten times more than other Mario games? Are you saying Mario is much more popular than Mario? The logic of popularity = sales doesn't match up with the numbers.

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Aren't you guys getting a little off topic?

The Divinity series

How do you define popular?

A_C_E said:
vivster said:
tbone51 said:
vivster said:

So what you're saying is which franchises only have a minority cult following on the internet. That doen't really mean popular though.

The most popular game that has less than 2m in sales is the game with 1999999 sales.


In most cases yes of course but its not always correct. Example LoZ is more popular than Luigi's Mansion.

Luigi's mansion is a Mario Spinoff which is more popular than anything. You think Luigi's Mansion would've sold close to what it has if it wasn't attached to the Mario franchise?

More popular-> more sales.

Give me a better example. Unless you mean more popular only in a certain demographic (e.g. internet people).

Superman logo is the thrid most recognizable logo in the world. Everyone knows Superman is. If there was a superman game it would sell billions, right? Because popularity = sales, right?

your whole argument also falls apart by right at the start. you talk about the popularity of super man as a logo and figure that spans accross many different forms of entertainment. if a game was made and sold like shit, the game wouldnt be popular, but superman still is, because he is more than just a game.  again, if the game doesnt sell millions, its not popular, but superman is because he is more than just that game, he is in comics, tv shows, cartoons, parodys, movies and so on. 

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A_C_E said:

Superman logo is the thrid most recognizable logo in the world. Everyone knows Superman is. If there was a superman game it would sell billions, right? Because popularity = sales, right?

I thought we're talking about gaming franchises here and not multimedia juggernauts. Why would a franchise that sells most in movies, comics and merchandise be exactly as successful in any other medium? By that logic Fast and Furious games must sell hundreds of millions, which they don't because they don't naturally target gamers as much as movie goers.

Popularity in gaming -> gaming sales. If a franchise that seems to be popular in the gaming community but doesn't sell many games, it's probably not as popular as it seems. Then it's only popular in a certain small demographic.

That's why I asked if tb only means popular in a certain demographic.

If you demand respect or gratitude for your volunteer work, you're doing volunteering wrong.

Changed the title and the OP a bit so we can stop arguing about the semantics and actually talk about what the OP was trying to say. @_@

@ OP:

Clover Studios/Platinum Games: The Thread.

Viewtiful Joe
God Hand
Bayonetta 2

All games that are loved by those who play them, and yet the studio just can't catch a break.


bananaking21 said:

your whole argument also falls apart by right at the start. you talk about the popularity of super man as a logo and figure that spans accross many different forms of entertainment. if a game was made and sold like shit, the game wouldnt be popular, but superman still is, because he is more than just a game.  again, if the game doesnt sell millions, its not popular, but superman is because he is more than just that game, he is in comics, tv shows, cartoons, parodys, movies and so on. 

Mario franchise has had mega amounts of toys, has had a hollywood movie, TV shows, candy, clothing. Alot of Nintendo gaming products (and gaming products in general) have branched off into multiple sectors.

You missed my point entirely. I know what Fire Emblem is, I know what type of game it is, I even know the characters, but it has not gotten a single sale from me. That's my point, you cannot measure popularity by judging a games sales. If a game sells alot of units then you know its a popular game, but you don't know how popular based on the sales alone. Like you said previuosly, sales are just an indicator for how popular a game is, but it isn't the defining factor like you seem to think it is.

At OP, sorry I'll stop going off topic.

Fire Emblem is rising in popularity and Awakening sold 1M!

My picks off the top of my head goes to Rune Factory, Harvest, Final Fantasy Tactics, Advance Wars...

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