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Forums - Gaming Discussion - New Nintendo Platform Teased at Conference, "NX"

zorg1000 said:
curl-6 said:

Oh, I thought you meant winning back third party support on Wii U.

NX is less of a long shot I grant you, but I still can't help but feel that Nintendo won't do what's necessary to win back support.

Also Nintendo does have strong relations with many Japanese 3rd parties, the likes of Square-Enix, Atlus, Sega, Koei-Tecmo, Capcom, Level-5, Bandai Namco, Platinum Games, all seem to enjoy working with Nintendo so I assume NX will see strong support from these companies.

I just check 3DS best selling games; 10 out of the 37 1m+ sellers are from 3rd parties, and several more are just under that number. Most are Japanese. So I understand why they like working with Nintendo, especially on the 3DS. And 31 of the 67 500k+ sellers are 3rd party. This is of course discounting any digital sales.

I'm on Twitter @DanneSandin!

Furthermore, I think VGChartz should add a "Like"-button.

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Materia-Blade said:
Blob said:

No need to be rude when he is 100% correct. I buy my third party games elsewhere because they are better elsewhere.

There is a very limited number of gamers who only own nintendo systems. 

They aren't better per se. They ARE elsewhere. Let 3rd parties treat the nintendo fanbase with respect and see what happens.

I thought they treated Nintendo fans pretty well when they did Tekken Tag Tour2? That did NOT sell well on Wii U, even though it was arguably the BEST version of the game... Or so I've heard. Or what about Darksiders 2? Sure, it was released 3 months after every other platform, but it did have free DLC, and 3 months aren't a HUGE gap.

I'm on Twitter @DanneSandin!

Furthermore, I think VGChartz should add a "Like"-button.

curl-6 said:
zorg1000 said:

I think the likes of Electronic Arts, Activision, Ubisoft, Warner Bros will show up and each have a couple of launch games available (even if they are just half-assed, rushed ports) because they don't want to lose out in case NX becomes a big success. Further support from that point will be based on how well the console and their software sell.

It's just like with 3DS & Wii U, the big western publishers were there at first, the hardware didn't sell very initially and their software wasn't moving much so they bailed out with the exception of kid/family friendly games.

Also Nintendo does have strong relations with many Japanese 3rd parties, the likes of Square-Enix, Atlus, Sega, Koei-Tecmo, Capcom, Level-5, Bandai Namco, Platinum Games, all seem to enjoy working with Nintendo so I assume NX will see strong support from these companies.

If they offer just a few token shitty ports though, they will not sell, and support will stop, we saw this with Wii U.

I know, I'm just saying they will likely have a couple launch titles and if they happen to sell enough to make a decent profit then they will continue to support NX.

When the herd loses its way, the shepard must kill the bull that leads them astray.

curl-6 said:
DanneSandin said:

The question is how the Fusion will work though? Will both handhelds and home console just share the same engines and OS? Or will they actually share the same games, as in play at home and pick up where u left the game while sitting on the bus? We dont know yet. If they share the same games, Nintendo will be losing out on a lot of profit since lots of people wont buy both platforms, and their SW might also suffer; a lpt of people bought Mario Kart for BOTH  3DS and Wii U. Do they really wanna part with those profits?

Isn't the whole point that they share an architecture, so they don't have to work to support two different systems with different games. We've seen with 3DS and Wii U that they simply don't have the resources to prop up two systems at the same time.

No. the point is making development faster, without having to relearn how to develop for a different architeture.

DanneSandin said:
curl-6 said:

Isn't the whole point that they share an architecture, so they don't have to work to support two different systems with different games. We've seen with 3DS and Wii U that they simply don't have the resources to prop up two systems at the same time.

Sharing the same assets would surely shorten the developing time for a lot of games. You wouldnt have to create new engines all the time, you could quite easily use the same engine when creating two different Mario Karts. SOME games might even have some sort of cross function where you can continue your game on either consoles, but Im not convinced thatll be the case for every game. All you have to do is ask yourself; which way would make Nintendo the most profit?

Simple: Keeping both a handheld and a home console, each with it's own unique games (and the rare cross platform like smash bros). Unified architeture + already having HD development know how allows them to develop games much faster than the 8th gen.

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Materia-Blade said:
DanneSandin said:

Sharing the same assets would surely shorten the developing time for a lot of games. You wouldnt have to create new engines all the time, you could quite easily use the same engine when creating two different Mario Karts. SOME games might even have some sort of cross function where you can continue your game on either consoles, but Im not convinced thatll be the case for every game. All you have to do is ask yourself; which way would make Nintendo the most profit?

Simple: Keeping both a handheld and a home console, each with it's own unique games (and the rare cross platform like smash bros). Unified architeture + already having HD development know how allows them to develop games much faster than the 8th gen.

Yes, exactly. That was kind of my point. But the next question then is, what does Nintendo need to do to sell their home console? Will simply MORE Nintendo games be enough? Or will they have to do something else? Like I've argued in this thread, Nintendo needs to get 3rd parties onboard their next home console, AND the ordinary gamers. They can't thrive on Nintendo fans alone any more.

I'm on Twitter @DanneSandin!

Furthermore, I think VGChartz should add a "Like"-button.

DanneSandin said:
curl-6 said:

How do you propose they do this though? At this point, it'd be easier to achieve world peace, cure cancer, count to infinity, find the Loch Ness monster, and uncrack an egg.

It'd be risky, I'll grant you that. Ive already outlined my train of thought here; power house console, produce "mature" games and listen to 3rd party feedback. They could buy exclusives, similar what they did with Bayo2. Aielyn made an intersting thread that Nintendo might have entered a deal with Crytek, and if thats true Nintendo could have them produce a few titles for the NX - tp lead the way for hesitent 3rd parties. Do what Sony did. X360 were the leading platform for development last gen. This gen tho? Ps4. Ask devs what they want and deli er that. Has worked wonders with PS4. Granted, Nintendo has a far longer distance to cover to get to the point where Sony is today, and thats why they need to lead the charge themselves with mature games. With Cryteks graphics and Nintendos input on gameplay... thatd be a game of the year contender.

They already did all they had to do this gen. the 3rd party problem isn't because of hardware or sales.

Materia-Blade said:
DanneSandin said:

It'd be risky, I'll grant you that. Ive already outlined my train of thought here; power house console, produce "mature" games and listen to 3rd party feedback. They could buy exclusives, similar what they did with Bayo2. Aielyn made an intersting thread that Nintendo might have entered a deal with Crytek, and if thats true Nintendo could have them produce a few titles for the NX - tp lead the way for hesitent 3rd parties. Do what Sony did. X360 were the leading platform for development last gen. This gen tho? Ps4. Ask devs what they want and deli er that. Has worked wonders with PS4. Granted, Nintendo has a far longer distance to cover to get to the point where Sony is today, and thats why they need to lead the charge themselves with mature games. With Cryteks graphics and Nintendos input on gameplay... thatd be a game of the year contender.

They already did all they had to do this gen. the 3rd party problem isn't because of hardware or sales.

Well, I disagree with you on that point. Nintendo have never been too keen on gathering good 3rd party support. Well, not in quite a while at the very least.

I'm on Twitter @DanneSandin!

Furthermore, I think VGChartz should add a "Like"-button.

DanneSandin said:
Materia-Blade said:

Simple: Keeping both a handheld and a home console, each with it's own unique games (and the rare cross platform like smash bros). Unified architeture + already having HD development know how allows them to develop games much faster than the 8th gen.

Yes, exactly. That was kind of my point. But the next question then is, what does Nintendo need to do to sell their home console? Will simply MORE Nintendo games be enough? Or will they have to do something else? Like I've argued in this thread, Nintendo needs to get 3rd parties onboard their next home console, AND the ordinary gamers. They can't thrive on Nintendo fans alone any more.

Having one or two huge titles at launch helps, like 3d mario/mario kart/zelda. this creates a larger initial installed base and can be enough for 3rd parties that aren't unprofessional (but I wouldn't count on it).

curl-6 said:
DanneSandin said:

I agree that they only have those two options. If they want 3rd parties back theyll need to involve them in the development of the new console and make it powerful. There is no other way to get gamers onboard. If they have two consoles with the same library with crossplaying/sharing they risk losing out on double dipping profits, and the second problem is that they might once again only attract Nintendo faithfuls and kids (though kids might be happy sticking with their mobile gaming like the casualz). Dont you agree?

I do agree about their risks and options, but to me Nintendo actually involving third parties, making what they want, and getting their support, is just too unlikely.

I don't think mainstream third party support is ever coming back.

Don't forget about the 3DS sistuation before MK7 and MH3. Its sales is very bad

After those games, 3rd party support them like 3DS is the king of this Gen


NNID : ShenlongDK
PSN : DarkLong213