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curl-6 said:
DanneSandin said:

I agree that they only have those two options. If they want 3rd parties back theyll need to involve them in the development of the new console and make it powerful. There is no other way to get gamers onboard. If they have two consoles with the same library with crossplaying/sharing they risk losing out on double dipping profits, and the second problem is that they might once again only attract Nintendo faithfuls and kids (though kids might be happy sticking with their mobile gaming like the casualz). Dont you agree?

I do agree about their risks and options, but to me Nintendo actually involving third parties, making what they want, and getting their support, is just too unlikely.

I don't think mainstream third party support is ever coming back.

Don't forget about the 3DS sistuation before MK7 and MH3. Its sales is very bad

After those games, 3rd party support them like 3DS is the king of this Gen


NNID : ShenlongDK
PSN : DarkLong213