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Forums - Gaming Discussion - What game is keeping you on last gen?


What game?

Halo 25 100.00%

I play a lot of TLOU online on PS3. I know it's on PS4, but I'm not buying again the same game just for some minimal visual improvements, when I want to play online on PS4 Killzone is my answer.

Besides that, I keep using PS3 for the PS Plus freebies, since it gets the best games compared to Vita/PS4 because it has a lot of older AAA games. Flash sales with insanely cheap older AAA games that I haven't played add more games to my backlog too.

I'm not planning to stop using the PS3 for quite a good time. Of course, I buy all cross gen games on PS4 to have the best looking/performing version anyway.

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Barkley said:
A billion ps+ games. Seriously I'll still be switching on my ps3 for atleast another 4 years......

Man, how do I regret the stupid decision of upgrading my 160GB PS3 to a 500GB HDD, thinking it would be enough. I should have had bought a 1TB drive, minimum.

torok said:
I play a lot of TLOU online on PS3. I know it's on PS4, but I'm not buying again the same game just for some minimal visual improvements, when I want to play online on PS4 Killzone is my answer.

Besides that, I keep using PS3 for the PS Plus freebies, since it gets the best games compared to Vita/PS4 because it has a lot of older AAA games. Flash sales with insanely cheap older AAA games that I haven't played add more games to my backlog too.

I'm not planning to stop using the PS3 for quite a good time. Of course, I buy all cross gen games on PS4 to have the best looking/performing version anyway.

60 fps though...

thedawghousev2 said:

60 fps though...

I don't care that much for this, not enough to spend a similar value to my current PS3 game. I prefer to use this money to buy a new PS4 game that I don't have.

I've finished the game more than once and now basically only play the online mode, no need for a new buy here.

I see these "1080p@60fps" thing with remaster as pure bait to get people to buy again the same games. It doesn't matter how much they remaster it, it still is a PS3 game with dated visuals but sharper and with better textures/shadows that looks old side-by-side with next gen titles like Killzone or Driveclub.

But I got to admit, one remaster that I would buy day 1 would be the Resistance series, if they included the online modes. They shut down R2 servers last year and I would love to be able to play it online again.

Ffxiii series collection needs to happen so I can move to ps4. Also Journey

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I play my ps4 more than my ps3, but now I'm still finishing GT6 and starting to play Yakuza 4. Still have more than 30 games on my backlog just on the ps3. Maybe when ps5 comes out i might be able to be done with the ps3.

Proudest Platinums - BF: Bad Company, Killzone 2 , Battlefield 3 and GTA4

I don't think I'll ever really be done with my PS3 anytime soon. I still have tons of games to play on it and quite a few more I still need to get (right now going through Uncharted and then clearing some more backlog).