Lawlight said:
Games designed exclusively for next-gen systems.
Lawlight said:
Games designed exclusively for next-gen systems.
Wright said:
Because you don't like good games?
Sincerely WiiU already has some great games.
reggin_bolas said: Great article, my PS4 is collecting dust. |
Most things do if you dont use a duster.
Harkins1721 said:
It used to be that someone would talk about selling a console (they wouldn't just sell it) if they wanted to give the impression that they didn't use it.
Personally, I think anyone who buys a new console within the first year and expects more than what the last 4 or so generations have repeatedly demonstrated is an idiot who deserves to be disappointed.
I'm going to say that the *new* way of making a statement that a console, new or old is not being used that one is still inexplicably holding onto if for no other reason than to complain about how it's not being used should be:
"My X is unplugged because it's never turned on."
Because hey; all of my most used equipment and gear is collecting dust. And so is everyone else's.
greenmedic88 said: A rewind to 2008 had me realize that the majority of Great Console Games from the early 7th gen weren't console games. Bioshock, The Orange Box (Portal was the only new title in the collection), Mass Effect were PC games. Assassin's Creed, marketed as a console game, but on PC 5 months after debut. Gears of War, also on PC 7th months after debut. For the sake of argument, call Gears (2006) a console game that unquestionably qualifies as a Great Console Game. Call of Duty 4, unquestionably a PC game with console versions, but irrelevant because it was not a new franchise even though it could arguably considered a reboot. It's still Call of Duty "4" The PS3 had Uncharted, Heavenly Sword, Resistance Fall of Man. Heavenly Sword was a dead end franchise (no sequel, no franchise); hardly considered a Great Console Game defining the 7th gen. Resistance received its due, but saw early success mainly due to lack of competition (no games on the PS3 in 2007? Play Resistance: FoM). Motor Storm also saw sequels, but similarly, is unlikely to show up in the 8th gen. It's a hard sell to say that Resistance or Motor Storm were Great Console Games. So we are left with Uncharted as the only enduring new franchise in Playstation Land released in the second year of the 7th gen. 8th gen has Titanfall (sequel in development), Destiny (Bungie will make it a franchise), Watch Dogs, The Order (almost guaranteed a sequel given the R&D that went into setting up the game engine and game universe), Sunset Overdrive (may have suffered commercially due to being an exclusive on the smaller marketshare platform). None of these budding franchises are being predicted as ones to cross into the 9th generation (a decent marker for the impact of a new franchise) even if they do see sequels, but all I'm really counting from the 7th gen as of this time frame (2008, second year of generation, 3rd year for XB360, but Gears was released in 2006, the 2nd year on the market) is Gears of War and Uncharted. Granted, two of the best franchises to come out of the 7th gen (three games from each franchise in one hardware generation is almost unprecedented), but when I think of 2008, it's a myth that the 7th gen had all kinds of Great Console Games. Lots of sequels from existing franchises. Lots of cross platform games that were also for PC; no console required. I don't know if I'm the only one seeing this, but about the only complaint that can be made about the 8th gen is that we haven't seen this generation's equivalent of Gears of War and Uncharted. That hardly makes it a big disappointment, much less a failure. |
I wasn't aware many people were even making much of a distinction between "console exclusive" and "console and PC". The video certainly didn't, beyond the title. Many of the 8th gen titles you mentioned were also released on the PC as well.
But I mean, the notion that you HAD to have a Xbox/PS3 last this early last gen would most definitely be a silly one. Certainly, anyone with a poweful PC didn't really need one. I have a powerful PC now, so I could probably play pretty much any "next gen" game on it without having the other consoles, but I don't personally hold that against them in regards to their value because I still prefer to own the big budget games on consoles. I don't really think it's relevant whether or not these console games (most of the games you mentioned WERE marketed, and made the bulk of their sales, off of consoles) were also on PC. I think what's relevant is their quality/critical acclaim, innovations, and efffect they had on their genres/games in general. Certainly, that's more what I find lacking about the last year or so of Xbox One/PS4 games.
FarleyMcFirefly said:
These days, originality is getting more and more elusive. Everything (hyperbole) has been done already. It will take time before this guy's standards are met. |
Can't say I really agree with that notion. I mean, I heard the exact same thing from people at the beginning of the last generation, and things have certainly changed since then, partially thanks to all the new ideas last generation gave us. I think the bigger problem is that, with game budgets as high as they are, few publishers or developers want to insentivize any sort of risk or creativity. This is where indies have come in, thankfully, but they are still limited by budget. The indie scene has produced plenty of new ideas over the last few years.
nuckles87 said: He's mentioned a few titles like Titanfall and Shadow of Mordor as games this gen that did that, so he's not saying there's a dearth either. There just aren't enough. |
And I'm sure eventually there will be more great games like in all other generations.
nuckles87 said: I'm not defending the quality of the video (though I do think its basic premise is correct: outside of Nintendo this generation has been pretty slow and disappointing so far), just his right to say it without having to design his own game first. |
Funnily enough Nintendo was criticized for the lack of great games in Wii U's early life but eventually the library has become quite good even though the average consumer values strong 3rd party support. What if other console's libraries improve over time as well? You need to take into consideration that Wii U is 1 year older. This is not an attack I'm just interested in hearing your reasoning for why this generation has been disappointing outside of Nintendo. You want ground breaking and genre defiinng titles.. I enjoy my Wii U a lot but fail to see where you find these genre defining titles compared to the other consoles. Could you please elaborate?
Released, good games:
Alien: Isolation
Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag
Bayonetta 2
Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare
Dead Rising 3
Diablo III
Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze
Dragon Age: Inquisition
Dragon Ball: Xenoverse
Dying Light
Far Cry 4
Final Fantasy XIV Online
Forza Horizon 2
Grand Theft Auto V
Guilty Gear Xrd
Halo: The Master Chief Collection
inFamous: Second Son
Killer Instinct
Killzone: Shadow Fall
LEGO Marvel Super Heroes
LittleBigPlanet 3
Mario Kart 8
Metro Redux
Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor
Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate
NBA 2K15
New Super Mario Bros. U
Oddworld: New 'n' Tasty!
Ori and the Blind Forest
Pikmin 3
Plants vs Zombies: Garden Warfare
Rayman Legends
Resident Evil: Revelations 2
Shovel Knight
Sunset Overdrive
Super Mario 3D World
Super Smash Bros. U
The Evil Within
The Last of Us Remastered
The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker HD
The Wonderful 101
Tials Fusion
Watch Dogs
Wolfenstein: The New Order
Announced, promising games:
Batman: Arkham Knight
Dead Island 2
Deep Down
Devil's Third
Drawn to Death
Disgaea 5
Dragon Quest Heroes
Everybody's Gone to the Rapture
Fable Legends
Final Fantasy XV
Forza Motorsport 6
Halo 5: Guardians
Horizon (Guerrilla Games' WRPG with Fallout New Vegas writer)
Just Cause 3
Kingdom Come: Deliverance
Kingdom Hearts III
LEGO Jurassic World
Mario Maker
Mass Effect 4
Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain
Mirror's Edge 2
Mortal Kombat X
No Man's Sky
Quantum Break
Persona 5
Project CARS
Rainbow Six: Siege
Ratchet & Clank Redux
Rise of the Tomb Raider
Rock Band 4
Shin Megami Tensei X Fire Emblem
Silent Hills
Star Fox U
Star Wars: Battlefront
Street Fighter V
Tearaway Unfolded
Tekken 7
The Division
The Elder Scrolls Online
The Legend of Zelda U
The Tomorrow Children
The Vanishing of Ethan Carter
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt
The Witness
Titanfall 2
Uncharted 4: A Thief's End
Until Dawn
Xenoblade Chronicles X
Ys Eight
ihatefatkatz said: On the Wii U :P |
I haven't been moved to buy a PS4 or XO yet, but I think the Wii U has actually had better software overall than the Wii did. Plenty of very polished games with clever ideas for the Gamepad (asymmetric multiplayer, camera modes, user-generated content like level editors, a handful of dual-screen modes of play).
I don't know if the Wii U has any one game as perfect as Super Mario Galaxy yet, but it's got a very large number that I'd say are close to that benchmark and at least four more games set for this year that look like they'll probably be fantastic as well.
z101 said:
Because you don't like good games?
Sincerely WiiU already has some great games. |
So it does or doesn't? Was just informed it has the only 4 good games released this generation (which would hardly qualify as notable in any way).
z101 said: Sincerely WiiU already has some great games. |
I never said otherwise. But the only games I'm interested in it so far are ZombiU, The Wonderful 101, Pikmin 3 and Smash Bros; four games that, while perhaps they justify the purchase of a console for some people, I can't invest in it yet.
People seems to get the idea of me not finding games good; which is not true. Almost everything I play I like, but I make a distinction of games I'd like to play and games I'm dying to play. I'd like to play tons of games, no matter the genre, difficulty, or weirdness they could have. But games I'm dying to play are few and scarce so far in this new generation; something that didn't happen to me on the previous one (admittely, I was younger, and more easily impressed by everything, especially since we were doing the transition to HD graphics or motion controls).
I might have given the wrong impression; I simpathize with the gamespot guy, but I do not agree that there are not great games: there are, indeed. But not on the quantity I'd like so that I feel compelled into advancing next-gen. It doesn't help that the games I was dying to play most these past months (namely, The Evil Within, Persona 5, Tales of, Resident Evil and Dragon Age) released as well on the previous generation, so that people like me could play them without the need of a superior console.
Nem said:
I don't see how a game can run on the current gen systems and be impossible to run on the old ones. Look at Arkham Knight, it's next-gen only but it's not that much different from Arkham City.
Can you tell me what a next-gen game is please?