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Forums - General Discussion - worst anime you ever watched?

Another anime that was completely terrible was the Devil May Cry anime.

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hey, Mirson, why do you have InuYasha? I mean, it's not the best, but it's really far from being the worst.

Soriku (Feb 10/08): In 5 years the PS3/360 will be dead.

KH3 bet: "If KH3 comes to Wii exclusive, I will take a 1 month of sig/avatar by otheres open a thread apologize and praise you guys' brilliance."
Original cast: Badonkadonkhr, sc94597 allaboutthegames885, kingofwale, Soriku, ctk495, skeezer, RDBRaptor, Mirson,

Episode 1: OOPSY!
: Too Human I even expect 3-4 mill entire life and 500,000 first day. GoW2 ( expect 7 - 9 million entire life and over 2 mill first day), Fable 2 (expect 5-6 million entire life and 1.5 mill fist day) BK3 (expect 4 - 5 mill sales entire life and 1 mill first day).. Tales/IU/TLR should get to 2 or 3 million! post id: 868878
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According to pre-order rate in week 13 (post id: 2902544)

I tried to enjoy it, but IDK. Everything about it was boring: storyline, characters, etc. Maybe it was the episode that I saw. Like Nieon, I saw one episode and decided not to watch it again.

rocketpig said:

Without counting televison (because so much of it is bad), it would be:

Neon Genesis Evangelion. What a load of bullshit storytelling piled on a load of pretention that 12 year old boys and pathetic geeks seem to love but anyone who actually enjoys quality stories thinks is a steaming, heaping, festering, rotting, pile of shit. Nauseating.

I like some anime but I hate the Japanese inability to tell a proper story without fucking it up to all high heaven with ridiculous antics and completely bullshit storylines. They may enjoy it but to the rest of the world, it's complete bullshit. I would rather read Chinese literature than watch most anime.

Strange... Rocketpig seems more and more awesome these days.  Must just be my imagination.

Anyway, I'm going to ditto Eva.  The show completely fails to tell a coherent story (mostly because the creator had a breakdown halfway through its writing apparently) and none of the characters are endearing.  The show had a glimmer of hope to at least aspire to mediocrity around the time Asuka joined the cast but that got flushed down the toilet too.

Other titles that didn't quite make it to the top include:

Soukyuu no Fafner (Fafner in the Azure):  This show had so much potential or it would have if the story had made the slightest bit of sense.  First the decide to kill a character in the first couple of episodes.  It wasn't so much that she died so much in the way that she was killed.  The entire base is full of super powerful mecha all with awesome weapons ranging from giant guns to swords to really bizarre but awesome weapons, and the writers choose to put her in a mecha with a knife.  I'm sorry, but you have an entire base filled with powerful weapons except for this one mecha that has a knife.  The story only gets worse from there.  About halfway in the anime, it's like the authors realize that the good guys look evil and the bad guys look like the heroes so it decided to have the bad guys launch an attack on the good guys for no reason.  It's like they suddenly decided, "Oh, the audience is starting to sympathize with the enemy, let's not let that happen."  

Sexy Commando:  I have no words to describe how bad this anime is...

Warning, watching the following video may make your brain hurt.

Naruto, I hate 95% of the fanbase. I didn't like the anime anyhow, I hated Naruto's voice alot :|

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i had to add another anime that i hate just as bad as any other anime.... an anime called ragnorok.... my god it was terrible!!!

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I've seen a lot of shit anime, a good majority of anime is shit, but Evangelion wasn't one of them.

I'll be frank: anyone of the mind that there is no substance underneath Evangelion's 'facade' can go eat a knife. It provides an unusually accessible and sympathetic rendering of it's characters. It's dense in narrative style, as well -- a lot of the story relies on implication, and one of my favorite episodes, 'Rain, After the Escape' evokes, in it's narrative, a strong leaning towards pure visual storytelling. Once someone has latched on to the addictive characters, as an addition, and has spotted the first layer of implicit narrative, digging deeper is only rational. The finds that come after this 'picking-apart' are rather jones. The density of structure is amazing for supporting this kind of effort.

Pretentious? Okay. Is Evangelion, and, by extension, Hideaki Anno, trying to make a work that is unjustifiably asking for more distinction or merit than it deserves? If your looking for an ocean's depth of philisophical profundity, then you're the tit that's stumbling to any art-form. I can think of only a few that offer any real philisophical depth. Thing is: most shows or films that work on any philosophical level have to take the superficial route as viewers tend to loose interest when you start meandering textbook dissertations. As a storyteller, it's fundemental you get to the heart of any philosophical predilections for two reasons: so viewers can understand the important part to what's being said, and so that the show/film isn't smashed under it's own weight.

Anno and Evangelion plotted something smart here: nearly everything in the show is allegorical. Almost everything represents something else entirely. The Evas (the big 'mechs') are representive of motherhood, responsibility, finding self-worth through that responsibility, so-on, et al. These things aren't hammered into the viewer's head, instead, the story does the work for the viewer. It's only through the story that these meanings become evident. It's up to the viewer to discover them.

Beyond the philisophical leanings told through allegorical means, we have the human drama and psychology of the show. Hammered here? Nope. The relationships between the characters allows this to unfold. A look on a character's face, a moment unseen -- unspoken, a subtle image, or a deceptively simple line of dialogue is more important and relevant than any of the obvious in between.

Again, it's up to the viewer to carefully watch the relationships, and how these dynamic characters interact and react to what's going on. Minus a few, abstract psychological parts during the series and the last two episodes, we really don't learn anything about the characters save for how they interact in regards to each other and the happenings going down. Even through this alone, we get to know them very well.

It's not pretentious. It is 'deep', on most every level. It's not trying to teach a fucking psychology or philosophy course, it's trying to ask you the same questions the creator hismelf was pondering about during his 'mental breakdown' (it's called depression, FYI). That is artistic depth by any standard. The means about how the series accomplishes this are wonderful. Reason being because the show works on a heap of levels, and how 'deep' those levels actually go.

Seriously. Where is the goddamn pretention? If anything, claim it as being pseudo-intellectual. Hell, reading a few posts, I don't even think over half the people waxing shit on Evangelion have even watched it, and instead read some half-assed summary on Wikipedia.


Oh, and hiya.

luckduck2 said:
dbgt, and powerstone

Oh no you didn't! D:

To answer the question, I've only watched a few animes (Mobile Suit Gundam, Afro Samurai, Devil May Cry, Bleach and Trigun) and I'm now watching Cowboy Bebop. So... I'd say the ''worst'' (but not really) I've watched from my little list is probably Afro Samurai for not having enough episodes!

Random game thought :
Why is Bionic Commando Rearmed 2 getting so much hate? We finally get a real game and they're not even satisfied... I'm starting to hate the gaming community so f****** much...

Watch my insane gameplay videos on my YouTube page!

Devil may Cry , Black Lagoon
And to people saying Evangelion, if you havent seen anything worse than that, you might have watched too few animes to comment here

"The accumulated filth of all their sex and murders will foam up about their waist and all the whores and politicians will look up and shout "Save us!"...

 ....and I'll look down and whisper  "no."  

                                                                   - Rorschach

SHMUPGurus said:
luckduck2 said:
dbgt, and powerstone

Oh no you didn't! D:

To answer the question, I've only watched a few animes (Mobile Suit Gundam, Afro Samurai, Devil May Cry, Bleach and Trigun) and I'm now watching Cowboy Bebop. So... I'd say the ''worst'' (but not really) I've watched from my little list is probably Afro Samurai for not having enough episodes!


shorter animes are typcially better written and are among the best series there are. Check out Elfen Lied or Area 88 sometime

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